Journaling is something I recommend for anybody desiring to really change their lives or those who really want to get serious about their self-growth and healing.
But I know there are so many of you who want to write and journal, but don’t know what to write.
To help you with it, here in this post I present 120 insightful journal prompts for your self-growth and personal transformation.
Most of these journal prompts are from me and some of them I have found from the people I follow and a book I am currently reading: The Artist’s Way (affiliate link)
I hope you find these journal prompts insightful as they are meant to provide you with helping you grow and change your life.
But before we begin, here are some tips to know.
How to journal for personal growth
Table of Contents
1.Get a diary: First of all you need to get a diary for yourself and use it for your journaling and writing your pages.
2. Set a time every day: Every day make it a point to write in your journal. Set it in your daily routine and add this new habit before or after something you already do.
For example, write in your journal after you wake up and brush your teeth first thing in the morning or write just after finishing your dinner.
Don’t miss a day at least for the next 21 days and use these journaling prompts for your self-growth.
3. Pick 1-3 journal prompts every day. Make it a daily habit. You will come to know yourself so much in the pages ahead. Trust in journaling and trust the answers you will get from your inner self.
120 Insightful Journal Prompts for Self-growth
P.S Before you begin: Do not take these journal prompts lightly. If you have the courage and make the time and determination to write down whatever these prompts are asking you to, you will surely find yourself something interesting.
You may find your answers that may be missing, you may end up knowing the direction you need to take in life or may even find yourself transforming at a really fast pace as you write these prompts every day.
Trust in the power of writing and journaling. It has worked wonders in my life and personally, these are the benefits I have received from journaling.
The best thing it does for me is give me the wisdom to know what I need to know and need to do. And I trust not just in these prompts, but in the power of writing that it will do the same for you.
I wish you all the best and a wonderful journey of healing, transforming and growth with these journal prompts
Journal prompts for self-improvement
1.Where do you see yourself in the next 10 years?
2. What are the things you are telling yourself it’s too late?
3. What are the things that I can attempt to learn? (Here are 30 things to learn when bored)
4. What was your environment like when you grew up? How has it affected your perspective and who you are as an individual?
5. List 5 things you need to unlearn that you have picked up unknowingly from your environment, society and your parents.
6. What are the things you can attempt to do in this lifetime? What is stopping you?
7. Where does your time go? Describe your daily routine. (Tips for setting a simple daily routine that works)
8. List 5 major activities you spent doing this week.
9. What are the things you are doing in the day that are a big waste of time?
10. What activities would you want to try and spend your time in?
11. How much is your screen time lately? What apps are currently no longer serving you?
12. What are 10 tiny changes you would like to make for yourself?
13. What are the things that are getting in the way of accepting yourself better?
14. What are the things your 80-year-old self wouldn’t be worried about that you are now stressed about?
15. What are the things you don’t do much, but enjoy?
16. What ate the things you could do to lighten yourself up a little?
17. What are the 5 traits you like in yourself?
18. What are the 5 traits you don’t like in yourself?
19. Write a prayer for yourself and your healing
20. Is your life serving you or only others?
21. What are your worries? Is it really there at this present moment or is it still in future?
22. List 5 things you are anxious about in your present. Has it happened yet?
23. What are the things I need to let go of that are no longer serving me?
24. How can I become a better person in the next phase of my life?
25. If I could reinvent myself, what are the 5 characteristics and 5 habits the new me would have?
26. If I could reinvent myself, what are the 5 characteristics and 5 habits the new me would NO longer engage in?
27. Write 3 lessons you have learnt from life’s tough experiences.
28. What were your biggest dreams when you were a kid?
29. List 5 ways can you be kinder to yourself
30. What kind of life would you have wanted to have lead looking back at your life when you are eighty?
Self-reflection Journal prompts for personal growth
31. How are you currently living your life?
32. How do you want to live this life?
33. How do you feel right now?
34. Picture yourself and write down all the things you could start doing living in this age that you are.
35. What were some of your favourite things to do as a child?
36. What are your biggest fears currently?
37. If you had 5 other lives, what would you do in each of them?
38. Are you neglecting yourself? In what ways are you neglecting yourself?
39. List 10 things you enjoy doing.
40. List 5 things you complained about recently. Was it necessary?
41. Who have you been complaining about a lot? Do you need to set boundaries with this person? If yes, how can you?
42. What are the things you haven’t forgiven yourself for?
43. Who have you not forgiven in your life? How can you forgive them and clear your heart?
44. What are the things you feel ashamed of?
45. What is an old hurt you are carrying? How can you let go of it?
46. What would you create or make if it you went ahead with your crazy dreams?
47. List 10 people you admire. Also list what traits, personalities, and habits you admire in each of them that you can imbibe in your life.
48. List 5 people you would really like to meet who are dead.
49. What are the things that make my heart sing?
50. What breaks my heart?
Journal prompts for personal growth
51. What is one action that would make today a success?
52. What kind of a person do you not want to be like?
53. What kind of a life you don’t want to live like?
54. What are the 3 biggest lessons/advice you would write to your child?
55. How do you support yourself in times of hard moments?
56. What are the things you truly enjoy doing? How much time have you given to them lately?
57. What are the things that you can do in your life joyfully instead of with frustration and anger? How can you shift your perspective?
58. What are the things you would love to try if you gave yourself permission to not do it perfectly?
59. In what areas do you need to forgive yourself in order to grow
60. How can you make your 80-year-old self happy?
61. What would you do if you knew you wouldn’t fail?
62. What would you do if ‘it weren’t too late’?
63. What are the things you would want to try after 50?
64. List out your deathbed regret list
65. Imagine you are 80 years old. What letter would you write to your current age self?
66. Imagine you are 8 years old. What letter would you write to your current age self?
67. What are the things you would say to yourself if you see yourself as your own loving friend?
68. What are the things you are lacking in your life? Where is the feeling of lack coming from?
69. What are the things you are saying it’s not possible before even trying?
70. What do you think about money and people who have a lot of money? (P.S 5 money mindset shifts to make)
71. What are the things you are saying you can’t afford?
72. What do you think you need to do in order to have more money?
73. What do you need to change in your home in order to create more peace and spaciousness? (P.S why I enjoy cleaning my home and not dread it)
74. What are some things that you feel guilty doing? In what things do you find yourself attaching your self-worth?
75. How can you accept yourself more? (Here are 20 practical ways to practice self respect)
76. What are the things you would want to learn if you had the time?
77. List 20 things you are grateful for recently? (P.S 365 things to be grateful for in life)
78. What have you learned in the last three months?
79. What are the things you are beating yourself up for? How can you be easier on yourself?
80. Do you need to be easy on yourself or do you need to give yourself tough love in order to better support your dreams and goals?
Goal setting Journal prompts for self-growth
81. What is the one thing that if you get done today, you’ll go to bed content?
82. If you take your self-growth seriously, what are the biggest goals you should be setting?
83. List 3 creative goals for this year. It can be painting more, taking a dance class or engaging in any creative hobby. (Here are 60+ hobby ideas for adults)
84. Do you allow downtime in your day? What are the self-care goals that you need to set for yourself?
85. How can you prioritize your downtime and play in order to better recharge yourself?
86. List 3 goals for better mental health you need to set for yourself.
87. What have you been procrastinating lately?
88. When was the last time you took a vacation? Set a vacation goal you want to take no matter what this year.
89. What are the biggest obstacles that are making you procrastinate on your goals?
90. What is the biggest distraction that is stopping you from reaching your goals?
91. Why are your dreams and goals important to you?
92. Write down the ‘why’ behind your goals? How can your goals benefit yourself and others?
93. What are the things you would want to have done in the next 5 years?
94. What are the things you would want to have in the next 5 years?
95. What kind of person do you want to be in the next 5 years?
96. List your daily to-dos/ actionable steps you must take each day to reach your goals
97. Write down your ‘Not-to-do’ list. These are the things you don’t want to do and spend time on.
98. Six months from now on, what will you wish you had spent more time on today?
99. List 5 victories in the journey of reaching your goals, no matter how small.
100. What are 3 good promises you need to keep in order to reach your goals? Keep them no matter what.
Journal prompts for better habits and self-growth
101. What are the habits that have the ability to nurture you?
102. What are some of the habits you do that are self-destructive?
103. What is a nice thing you can do for yourself daily? (Here are 5-minute self care activities that feel nice)
104. What are some hard things I need to push myself in order to grow?
105. What habits do I engage in just to kill time? (time-wasting habits to get rid of asap)
106. How can you win in your mornings? (It’s important to win your morning with a morning routine.)
107. What are the things I want to try in my free time?
108. List 3 changes you need to make for your better physical health. (p.s how I made myself love working out)
109. List 3 changes you need to make for your better mental health. (Here are tiny habits that improved my mental health)
110. List 5 ways you plan to nurture yourself in the next 6 months for your growth and healing.
111. What are the habits that get in the way of pursuing your creativity?
112. What is a habit that if you do makes all other habits more likely to be followed? For me it is exercise. They are my keystone habits
113. Write an encouraging letter to yourself.
114. Make a list of books you want to read this year. (Here are book recommendations for beginners)
115. What is a habit that when you engage makes all other plans fail? For example, checking phone after waking up, sleeping late etc.
116. What are some bad habits that you have picked up from your friends?
117. What are some good habits that you can pick from your 3 close friends?
118. What is a small thing you can do today that you will say thank you to yourself for?
119. Name a rule you need to set in order to follow up on your good habits.
120. What rules do you need to break in order to follow your dreams?
So these were 120 journal prompts for self-growth
I hope you make the time and determination to try these prompts and be curious enough to see what things and wisdom come out from your pages.
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