What are some best daily habits to improve life?
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Today in this post I am going to share my 10 daily habits that has drastically improved my life. I hadn’t counted until now how many daily habits I had cultivated in my life.
Now I know that its these 10 daily habits that have changed and improved my life.
Abraham lincoln has said, ‘The best way to predict the future is to create it’.
And the only way we can create the future we envision is by taking care of our present habits that we do every day.
If your habits right now aren’t aligned with the future you envision, then today is the right time to change them. Remember, if nothing changes, nothing changes.
So with this, let me share what are the daily habits that has improved the quality of my life. If they worked for me in simplifying my life and improving my life, they will work for you too. These are daily habits that can improve anyone’s life.
So let’s know what they are
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1. The daily habit of waking up early
My life started to change from the time I decided to quit the toxic habit of sleeping late and waking up late.
When I used to wake up late I had no time for myself, no time for my studies, no time for anything significant in life. I used to wake up feeling tired already, demotivated and I had the false notion (that most of us have) that I had nothing to do!
But once I determined to start waking up early, everything changed.
Slowly I started to wake up early. I then created a morning routine and ever since then my life started to get organized, simple and I became more focused in everything else.
Infact every other habit I have written about further, I could cultivate it only after I started this daily habit of waking up early.
- P.S If you’re struggling to wake up early, here I have shared how I became a morning person
- And this is my morning routine before 8 am
- If you already have a morning routine but struggling to stick to it, here are my 10 action steps that will help you to stick to your morning routine.
2. The habit of not using phone first thing in the morning
This habit even though simple, is the best thing I did for my growth and focus. It is the best thing you can do for yourself.
Earlier I would open my eyes and would snatch my phone first thing to open social media and scroll through it for a good 30 minutes to one hour before I would decide to reluctantly get up from my bed.
Bombarding my fresh ‘just woke up’ brain with notifications and updates was unknowingly draining my mental energy early morning and leaving me unable to focus in anything.
Deciding to drop this toxic habit and cultivating the daily habit of not using phone first thing in the morning has been a life changer!
P.S. If you are ready to give a try at working on yourself and changing your life, I have recently created a Special challenge/Guide for you to Change your Life in 7 days.
I think you’ll love it if you give it a try for 7 days and see what’s possible for you.
Try it as an experiment to see how it feels if you haven’t already.
3. The daily habit of reading at least 1 page in the morning

Many people, my friends and my relatives often ask me what do I do after waking up so early at 5 am.
I tell them that if I don’t wake up at 5 am then I won’t have time for the things I want to do that are good for me. Waking up early is now extremely important for me. I spend 4 hours doing my morning rituals from 5:30 to 9:30.
It is in this time that I get many of my good daily habits done early in the morning. And the first is the daily habit of reading.
People find it hard to read every single day. Even I used to wonder earlier how some people read everyday.
But now I can say that its actually easy when you develop it into a habit instead of finding motivation to read everyday.
What I do is instead of checking phone after waking up, I instead read.
Even just 10 minutes of reading will do for a start. In 10 minutes you can read almost 4 pages and this way you can even complete an entire book in a month.
That would be 12 books in one year! Compare that to not reading even a single book in a year. Its an incredible daily habit to cultivate.
And nothing beats reading if you want to improve your life. Books are portable teachers, we can carry anywhere. Books helps us meet people whom we aren’t fortunate to meet in real life.
4. The daily habit of exercise

Exercise is one my core habits. I exercise every single day! even on Sundays but I keep in light.
Sometimes when I am not feeling in the mood for high intensity workout, still I exercise just for 10 minutes for so. I just have to mode my body.
Exercise immediately boosts my mood and makes me fresh and its this daily habit of exercise that helps me bring energy to other tasks as well.
It is one of my main keystone habit.
Currently it has been many months I have been doing Pamela Reif’s workout from her app which includes all her youtube videos in a great format.
Best of all, it is free and her workout songs are great. You don’t have to keep on searching for the perfect work out song to motivate you! You can find her app through the link in her description.
5. The habit of doing M.I.T early in the morning

I am no productivity expert, but over the years with many trial and errors I have come to find out many tricks to be productive and efficient whether it is while working or while studying.
And the number one way that has helped me have a productive day is the daily habit of doing my M.I.T (Most Important Task) early in the morning, which is included in my morning routine from 7:30-9:30am.
The two hours I spend on my M.I.T is deep work for me as mentioned in the book, ‘Deep work’ by Cal Newport (Amazing book if you want to learn strategies to start gaining focus and increase your concentration in a distracted world)
By adopting this daily habit of getting my M.I.T done early in the morning, the likelihood of procrastinating the hard task through the day or being distracted by others has disappeared.
Also my evenings are left free for recreation and other smaller tasks. I’ve written more on this here in this post.
Also, 15 productivity hacks to help you turn into a productive person.
6. The habit of time blocking to learn one new thing everyday

It is easy to say ‘I want to learn new things’, ‘I am open to learning and knowledge and working on self improvement’, but very hard to put through.
The only way to do it is by time blocking for the thing you want to learn or for any new habit you want to adopt.
As a relactively new blogger, there are many things I need to learn in order to grow further. I have started investing in courses and ebooks and I make sure to learn and read everyday.
For this daily habit of time blocking has been really helpful in learning atleast one new thing every day.
Every day for half hour I block my time for blogging education from 8:30 to 9pm.
You can do the same for anything new you want to learn. Don’t just say I’ll do it. Schedule your time and block it.
We’re afraid to go after something new for fear of not knowing anything, this is something I wrote when I started my own blogging journey and when things seemed uncertain- Embracing the joy of not knowing
7.The habit of drinking lots of water
I hardly used to drink even two full glasses of water each day. No wonder why I used to feel weak and dehydrated.
Since this year I have become more conscious in drinking enough water. I keep a bottle of water in front me at all time. I always keep filling my glass as it finishes and I am a total water drinker now!
It really makes a difference to our body and our energy levels.
8. The daily habit of prayer and meditation

Prayer and meditation helps us align ourselves to the Universe, to God, to nature and to our inner self.
Our soul needs prayer and meditation. It needs to communicate with something higher. It needs to communicate with our own true self.
I pray and meditate morning and evening. In the morning when I pray it is my time to impress good positive thoughts and prayers to my subconsious. I pray for peace, for safety of all, for a happy family, for good health and success of myself, my loved ones and everyone.
When I pray I feel my prayers reaching them, and it does. Prayers work. I also think of my goals and dreams and pray that I may have the strength to fulfil it.
In the evening I pray to give thanks and pray for myself and everyone.
While meditating I simply listen to my heart and focus on my breath.
With this daily habit of prayer and meditation, I feel I am aligned with my self and with the Universe. With it I nurture the bond with something infinite within me.
9. The habit of daily walks
My appreciation for long walks began during my time in Darjeeling, (which is a hill station) when I used to stay there for college.
Before this time, I never liked walking and even for short distance I would use a rickshaw (since I am from India)
But this changed ever since I stayed in Darjeeling and walked in the woods and silent roads.
Now I love walking. While in the hills I always go for morning walks and while in the plains I go for my evening walks.
I like going on walks alone with my headphones on. I find it instantly refreshing and gives so much mental clarity. I love how long walks make me feel.
For a start you can just go for a 10 minutes walk- 5 minutes going and 5 minutes coming. Then you could increase to 10 minutes going and 10 minutes coming.
For me, it is 20 minutes going and 20 minutes coming. So a total for 40 minutes walk in a day is great for me!
10. The habit of journaling

Lastly, another habit that calms me, eases me, helps me connect with my true self and through which I have become my own best friend is the journaling habit.
I don’t write in my diary everyday but I do so whenever I feel the need and whenever I feel confused and unable to understand somethings from my perspective or from other people’s perspective.
Its as if writing brings me back to my senses. It truly is a great habit that can improve life and your relationship with yourself.
I have written more on the 5 incredible benefits of journaling in my life
And if you want to get started with journaling and discover yourself, here are journal prompts for 21 days to help you get started with journaling
So these were my 10 daily habits that has improved my life.
But as easy as it is to say we want to grow ourselves and work on our personal growth, it is actually very hard to follow.
Even if we want to, all the bad habits try to overpower and don’t want us to change and leave the comfort zone.
Also another thing is, we know very little tricks when we’re just starting on our personal growth journey to form new habits and build self discipline.
Hence it is extremely important to learn to take things slow, not expect immediate changes from ourselves, from our habits, but be very gentle with ourselves, otherwise we end up being disheartened.
All the best. Be kind to yourself. Keep growing!
P.S Related Posts
- 3 tricks to build self discipline
- How to form any new habit easily
- 10 morning habits that will change your life
- Focus on quantity, not quality
- Be okay with wasting your time (Here’s why)
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For maintaining a healthy life, we should all need to improve our daily habits. Our daily habits are the only thing that can keep us fit and healthy.
All these points mentioned here were good and helpful.
Thanks for sharing this!
I am glad you liked it.. You’re most welcome!
Thanks this is amazing it’s along the lines of my thinking I started waking up early and noticed I am more productive.
Thank you! Glad you liked it 🙂
All very good ideas but in real world I don’t av 4 spare hours in a morning I work 12.5 hour shifts run a home and I’m a single parent . Wish I cud find some realistic advice in here instead of fairy tales
There will always be differences in how we spend our day and one can never find something that will aptly fit our life circumstances and situations. Still, I would just say that instead of having a bias early on, try just making a few tweaks instead of condemning it together as impossible. I too am very much from the real world with a job, living alone, maintaining a home and everything else. I know having a 12-hour work shift being a single parent must be hard, but you don’t have to do all of it altogether. These are the only real advice I have, and I believe all successful and happy people out there must be having. You might not get 4 hours of time, but you can make do with whatever time you get instead of simply saying that it’s unachievable.
Yoga may be the best for healthy life like to do regularly , we should give atleast 1 hour to our budy !!! Thank you for sharing about your life experience and daily habits to improve .
You’re welcome!
Excellent article!
It´s a powerful tip: The daily habit of reading at least 1 page in the morning
Vishaka ty for sharing this post. All these points mentioned here were good and helpful.
You’re welcome!