Want to begin a new chapter in life?
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Inevitably, there comes a time in each of our lives when we are either desperate or eager to start a new chapter in life.
For some, wanting to start a new chapter in life comes after having had enough with life.
Whereas for others, it’s out of eagerness to start anew, to start afresh again, to try new things and to make life more meaningful and purposeful again.
Whatever your reasons are and whatever circumstances have led you to come up to this point, say thank you for it.
Say thank you to the good times, the bad times, the hard times, the struggling times, where you didn’t know what you were doing in life.
Say thank you to the desperate times when uncertainty seemed so big and risky you didn’t know whom to turn to.
For all of those were the catalyst you needed to come back home to yourself and think about how you want to live your life and make a change to start a new chapter.
But, before you start to change your life and begin again, the answer you need to be clear about is,
What does it mean to start a new chapter in life?
To start a new chapter in life means you are ready to write your own life story and become the main character in your life.
Life is hard mainly because it doesn’t come with an instruction manual.
Our habits, our parent’s habits, our ancestor’s thought patterns, our circumstances, our surrounding, and our environment all have an impact on the way we live.
Even the country where we have grown up, the culture that has been passed on to us from generation to generation, and the kind of people we have grown up with all have an impact on our thoughts, beliefs and ultimately our actions more than we realize.
For too long our actions and the way we live tends to be robotic without our realisation because that is how it has been passed on.
But life is so much more.
When you decide to start a new chapter in life it means you are ready to look into life with new eyes.
And when you do so, you look into your own self with new eyes and see the potential you have in yourself.
How to start a new chapter in life
You will need a journal here. If you really want to start a new chapter in your life, it’s time to write one.
Writing down is the most powerful thing you can do for yourself. It makes you more committed and more intentional about your life.
So save this post and write them down. I have also included journal prompts to help you.

1. Reflect on your life so far
Reflection is more than just contemplation and daydreaming.
I strongly suggest you write down your reflections if you are really serious about starting your next chapter.
When you write, your thoughts are much clearer and your reflection process becomes clearer.
Here are some journal prompts to help you reflect on your life
-what went well in my life so far?
-what didn’t go well in my life so far?
-what made my life difficult?
-what could make my life easy?
P.S here are 21 days of journaling prompts to start journaling and Journal prompts for self discovery by Yung Pueblo
2. Sit still
Most people don’t realize how powerful it is to sit still.
Aren’t there so many other things to do? Why should I sit still?
But sitting still is powerful. It is kind of like a revolutionary act where you allow yourself to just stop everything else, stop the noise, stop the constant to and fro and just see what it is like to be with yourself fully.
We think that life is in the noise, in the constant here and there, in the having and in the doing, but taking some time every day from your busy schedule to just sit still even for 10 minutes can be a powerful shift especially when you are starting a new chapter of life.
You need this silence. You will find it the most constructive time for you. Allow yourself this space of time.
3. Visualize your new self
Everything starts first in the mind. Whatever has been created so far or can be created is the product of first seeing it through in the mind’s eye.
Visualisation is a powerful technique and it’s fun too. Don’t be too serious while imagining. Have fun visualising and believing them all come true.
It makes you like a magnet.
Sit in your sacred space and visualise your new self. Visualise the person you want to become and know that you are that already.
Visualise yourself being your healthiest, most confident, happiest and the best version of yourself.
And, know that you are that already. You are already who you want to be. You already have everything in you. You only need to bring it to the forefront.
You are not changing. You are actually becoming who you truly are.
4. Write down your new intentions
Next, to start a new chapter of life you need to write down your intentions. Write down your 5 best intentions from your heart.
Make your why strong. The stronger your why, the stronger your intentions.
If your intention is powerful, it becomes much easier to stick to habits as well as your commitment to change your life for the better.
For example, if you just say you want to start eating healthy this year, but you have no strong intention of becoming healthy and don’t visualize yourself being your healthiest version, then you won’t be sticking to your new habits for a long.
Similarly, if you just say you need to start studying, but don’t have the intention to do your best in your studies or work, then you will always find some or other excuses.
So if you really want to start a new chapter in life, you need to set new intentions and write them down.
Here is how to set intentions the right way and how it can help you achieve your goals.
Writing your intentions down helps make your intentions and feelings stronger. It also has something magnetic to help you attract the same.
5. Make lists
Get a notebook and make some lists. It’s going to be fun.
Make lists of what you want to have achieved, become and done 5 years from now. Write them without hesitation and be excited as you write them.
Here are some other lists to make to get your life in order.
6. Let go of toxic habits
You can’t start a new chapter in life if you keep bringing the old baggage of old habit patterns and toxic mindset.
You need to let go of toxic habits that you are currently engaged in.
That’s not to say that you can cut them off instantly, but keep trying and cut one toxic habit at a time.
Recognize what bad habits you are currently engaging in.
When I decided to start a new chapter of my life I let go of the toxic habit of sleeping late and checking my phone first thing in the morning.
It changed my life.
Here are 10 toxic habits you need to quit asap.
7. Declutter
If your life has been messy, then the chances are that your surrounding is also messy and full of clutter.
Physical clutter has a much bigger role to play in mental clutter.
Decluttering is essential to start anew and afresh.
Give up things you don’t need and tidy everything up.
Do it slowly. There is no need to hurry. Declutter one corner one day, the other corner the next and take it slow.
Once you do so, you will feel much relieved and much lighter.
Here are 15 things I quit in order to simplify my life.
8. Read good books
Good books are life-changing. Invest in good books and your life will begin to transform.
In our life, we don’t always have the opportunity to meet great people and hear their conversations and hear what they have in mind.
But we have books and they tell us everything about the thoughts they have and the learning they learned from life which they so graciously share all.
Then there are novels that help us come across different characters. Reading them builds our own character and shapes us into the kind of person and character we would like to become too.
Reading good books is the best thing you can do for yourself.
Here are the best books to read in the morning and the 18 best books to read for beginners.
9. Seek inspiration
Starting a new chapter in life is not a one-time thing. You need to affirm it again and again.
You have been living your life in your old habit patterns for many years and so naturally it won’t be broken so easily.
You will slip many times and go off track, but what matters is whether you return to your intentions again and again.
Seeking inspiration is what helps. We can’t do it on our own. We can’t sustain ourselves on our own. Our willpower, our confidence, our discipline, and our enthusiasm needs to be fuelled by sources other than our own selves.
We are like plants who continuously need water and sun to grow.
Seek inspiration from nature. Seek inspiration through music, books, podcasts, paintings, and through abundant me time.
P.S On the power of accepting off-track moments
15 ideas to spend me-time intentionally.
10. Surround yourself with good people
If you still surround yourself with people who don’t wish to see you grow and who keep on feeding your old habit patterns, then you can never start a new chapter in life.
You need to be strong enough and wise enough to know who are the right people you need in your life.
You will come to know the right people in your life by the things they tell you, by the way, they talk to you, by the things they talk to you about and by the vibe they give you.
Energies never lie, so notice them and feel them.
If some people don’t match the version of you you want to become, then allow yourself to let them go without judgements.
11. Affirm the positive
Stop saying things in the negative and start affirming the positive.
Stop assuming bad things may happen to you. Also, stop giving off negative assumptions to other people and stay away from people who talk in the negative.
I know of a person who is always talking about things in the negative. Unfortunate circumstances in her life have made her bitter and she always tends to give negative scenarios that might happen in my life as well.
By now I’ve come to know that’s how she does her life. But it’s not how I do life.
I hear her, but I don’t let her get into my subconscious. The positive affirmations I say to myself are strong.
Here are some ways to affirm the positive:
- Daily gratitude journal
- Prayer
- Listening to positive affirmations.
- Reading positive affirmations
I love to listen to the podcast in the morning, ‘Affirmations Babe’ on Spotify
12. Improve your mornings
In the next chapter of your life become the kind of self that loves to wake up in the morning and work on yourself.
The first person you must meet in the morning must be you, and you must meet her/him fully.
Of course, it will take time to become such a person, but once you keep trying, you will see that it will be the best thing you did for yourself.
Improving your mornings is the best way to improve the quality of your life.
People often ask me what I do every morning waking up so early, but if I don’t wake up early, then I won’t have time to do them!
Here are 5 best morning routine ideas and 10 toxic morning habits to avoid at all costs.
13. Improve your evenings
Apart from mornings, also work on improving your evening routine.
Create good evening habits so that you feel relaxed, and rejuvenated and end your day on a positive note as well.
Life is all about knowing how to live well. Creating good routines for yourself is the foundation of a well-lived and simple life.
Don’t wait for something grand to happen in your life that pushes you to change your life.
It does not work that way. Life is what we do with our time in our day-to-day life.
If you keep waiting, time will pass anyway.
Here are the 10 best things to do every night before going to bed. You will love it if you try.
14. Bring more awareness
There is a reason why we keep repeating old habit patterns and the same toxic cycle in our life.
Ask anyone how they’re feeling, and all of them say that they’re feeling overwhelmed, messed up and that their mind is running in all different directions.
This has become a permanent state of feeling and living for almost everyone in this generation.
The only antidote to it is to bring more awareness to our life. More awareness means more mindfulness.
Only when you bring more awareness to how you think, what you think, what you feel, and why you’re feeling and see them all without judgement and give them love, you will be able to change your life.
Remember that mindfulness requires you to be kind.
For me, a big starting point in my mindfulness and self-awareness journey started when I went for the 10 days Vipassana meditation retreat at Bodhgaya.
P.S how to start practising mindfulness
15. Move slow
Lastly, in the next chapter of your life make it your intention to move slowly.
It will take time, but return to slowness.
I am still practicing living slowly and I have to remind myself time and again.
But when I do, I automatically relieve any stress and start to enjoy whatever I am doing.
Move slowly in life. Wash the dishes slowly with mindfulness, wash your clothes slowly, walk slowly, drink tea slowly, and you will see the very quality of your life improve.
I am trying to make this my foundation of life. When I am the very least successful, I will start to write more about it.
For now, here are some
When to begin a new chapter in life
You can begin a new chapter in your life at any given moment.
But we all know that some major events in our life can be a great starting point for change to begin the next chapter.
Here are some of the main events where you can actually begin the next chapter of your life and start anew and afresh.
- Start of your 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s
- After you’ve graduated
- When starting a new job
- After quitting your job
- Moving to a new place
- Marriage
- Break up
- Divorce
- Starting a family
- Coping through depression
- On your Birthday
- Accident
- Health issues
- New Year
- New week
- New day
All the best for the new version of you! Become your best self, but remember that you always are and who you always have been.
Now you’re just trying to bring it out in the open.
Have fun starting the next chapter of your life.
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