Journal prompts are something that will help you write and give you an idea of what you want to write. This is a 21-day guide for you until you make journaling a habit. But it is not only for those who are new to journaling. These journal prompts can be answered by anyone and I promise that it will be fun along with a lot of self-reflection.
Truly, if everyone in this world started writing, this world would be a better place. I have written down my experience of how journaling has changed my life for the better and why everybody should start writing a journal in this blog post.
Quick note
Table of Contents
So before starting, here is a quick note for you to keep in mind.
- Each journal prompt is given for the specific day itself. Hence I would like to advise you to write your answers serially as you proceed your days.
- You can write in your journal at any time of the day but it will be better that you decide firstly what time you want to write and come back every day at the same time.
- Write every day for the next 21 days but even if you miss any day, simply come back to writing again. Share in your journal why you missed writing that day(s) and return to the day’s question.
- These journal prompts are given in a way that will help you build your connection with yourself slowly so that by the end of the 21 days, you will know on your own the healing magic of writing down your thoughts.
- I want you to end your journal entry each day with a beautiful quote.
Lastly, I would advise you to save this post as a bookmark or Pin it so that you can come back to these journal prompts easily for the next 21 days.
I wish you a wonderful 21 days of self reflection, healing and connection.
Pin it for Coming back to it everyday
Journal Prompts for 21 days
Day 1: Make your journal your friend. You can give it a name too and introduce yourself as you would to a friend.
Write about- how old are you?
-where do you live? whom do you live with?
-where you are currently in life?
Day 2: write about- how are you feeling these days?
–how are you spending your days?
-what time do you wake up?
Write them all down without any discrimination towards whatever you might be feeling. Just be truthful to yourself.
Day 3: Greet your journal every day. By doing so you are actually greeting your own self for coming back to yourself. Today, share about your past.
write about- your childhood memories.
– which school or college did you go? Recollect the best memories and what you miss from those times. Share it all in your journal to your heart’s content.
Day 4: Today, share about your family.
Write about- whom do you like the most and look up to in your family? Why? It may also be someone who is no longer in this world.
– if anyone you dislike the most from your family? why?
Day 5: You are building a connection with your journal which is nothing but an extension of you. Greet your journal and thank yourself. And today,
Write about- 10 things you are grateful for in life.
Day 6: Write about- 20 people you are grateful for in life.
Just write down their names. It can include everyone who helped you grow directly from your parents, your friends or it may also be anyone who helped you be strong by hurting you and so you are grateful for them.
Day 7: Today, write about- What is your greatest dream?
– will fulfilling your dream help others?
-what are the things you can do or give to others now?
Day 8: Write about- what does love mean to you?
-If you love someone, write about the 5 best qualities you love about him/ her
-If you don’t have a lover right now, write in great details about what kind of a lover, a partner you wish to be with. Also, write about what kind of lover you will be.
Day 9: Write about- What brings you the most joy? true real joy
-How can you live with more joy in your day to day life?
Day 10: Who has hurt you the most?
Holding no grudges against that person, write a letter to him/ her and share all that had been left unspoken to them but which were there in your heart. Share with the person that you choose to forgive him/ her and also share your reason for choosing to forgive. Really feel as you write
Day 11: Write about- Your list of three favourite movies/ series/ books
-what you have learned from each one
-which character do you like the most or which really moved you and why?
Day 12: –What have you been procrastinating?
–What will happen if you do not procrastinate and started making time for it?
Day 13: Write about- what did you do today?
-how are you feeling as you write in your journal?
-how has writing your journal every day been so far?
Thank and appreciate yourself for coming back to yourself for the past 14 days!
Day 14: Do you have a mentor in life?
If you have, then write about- what do you really look up to in him/ her?
-what qualities do they have that you would like to build in yourself too?
If you don’t have a mentor in life, then I suggest that you must find a mentor whose life will serve you as a role model in leading a purposeful life for you. Don’t worry if you can’t find one, start reading autobiographies of great men and women.
Remember, ‘When the student is ready, the teacher appears.’
Day 15: Write down your dreams for life.
Give much attention as you write them down. Put all your fears aside. Put all your self-doubt aside or even logicality aside and just write down each one of your dreams for life. List down all of your deepest desires, everything you want to have, be and do in this lifetime. Write all of them down imagining how you would feel when they come true.
Day 16: What do you want to achieve in the next 5 years.
Be very serious about it as you write your dreams, goals down.
Day 17: Write 10 things you are grateful for today.
Day 18: Write 10 things you want to say ‘No’ to from now.
Day 19: Whom have you hurt the most?
– What would you want to say to that person and also to your self of that time? Remember to forgive yourself too.
Day 20: What kind of person do you want to see your self become?
–Write down specific qualities like strong, confident, compassionate, calm etc. As you write them down envision yourself with those qualities. Remember you already are that self. You only need to bring it out.
Day 21: What advice would you want to give to yourself so that you can move closer to the life of your dreams and live with ease and joy every day.
Thank you.
Journaling has been one of the most powerful tools for me in my growth and learning. Writing a journal is an act of self- discovery. This journal prompts will enable you to start your own journey.
Even after you finish your 21 days, please keep coming back to it and you will see that you have grown so much. Write down everything you learn from your emotions, feelings, thoughts and as you write, you will learn much more.
Thank you!
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