Need gratitude journal prompts to make gratitude a way of life? You’re in the right place.
In this post, I share 100 gratitude journal prompts which will help you tap into this feeling of thankfulness in the next 100 days.
The feeling of gratitude is perhaps one of the most powerful positive emotions there is.
Gratitude can totally change the way you live your life, bringing in more wellness, peace and joy.
I believe, if we must be obligated to do anything in life, we must be obligated to practice tapping into this feeling of gratitude and thankfulness more and more often in our day-to-day life.
It should be a responsibility to feel grateful.
I really wanted to write this blog post because the more I understand the ‘Art of Living’, the more I come to find that it is our feelings that are our superpower.
Yes, they are and they have a powerful magnetic force that brings the things that align with that energy and feeling right back to us.
My experience with gratitude
Table of Contents
This year I feel I tapped more into the feelings of gratitude, love, peace, lightness, joyfulness, and other positive emotions, which must have sent out a powerful signal of that energy to the Universe.
This has brought all the things aligning with that frequency right back to me.
I attracted more happy events in my life, good health, more abundance, more kindness from people, more harmony in my relationship and generally more joyfulness in my daily day-to-day living.
I experienced that the more you tap into this feeling of gratitude, the more you start attracting events, situations and circumstances that reflect on that joy and that makes you keep feeling those same positive and happy emotions.
But the opposite is also true.
If you feel strongly the emotions and feelings of hurt, anger, laziness, and frustration, and do nothing about it, that too sends the frequency out to the world and frustration, lack, and selfishness is what get back to you.
No wonder it is the reason why some people end up having one bad thing after the other in their life or sometimes even in a single day.
It’s not because God hates you, or life hates you, but it’s because they’re always complaining, and feeling strongly about what is lacking in their world, what is not going right and what should have happened instead.
The science behind gratitude
Whatever we are feeling strongly about, is what we attract. And this is science.
We all know everything is energy. Our emotions and feelings also have energy.
Strong feelings- whether good or bad, have a strong magnetic force. We must all be aware of what energy we are sending out to the world.
Here are some articles to read
- Emotions have energy
- How gratitude changes you and your brain
- Giving thanks can make you happier- Havard Health
If this is making you think about what you can do with your feelings right now which might not be so positive and joyful, please don’t be scared and start another negative cycle of lack.
Just acknowledge and be happy that you now also have the ‘feeling to make a change’.
Be grateful that you now at least have the ‘feeling to show more gratitude in your life‘.
That counts too!
So let us tap more into that. And this is where gratitude journaling comes in.
What is a gratitude journal?
A Gratitude journal is simply a journal where you write about the good things in life. It is a journal that lets you keep a track of your funny, happy, kind, loving and joyful moments.
A gratitude journal is one that helps you stay focused on the present blessings instead of past regrets and future worries.
Gratitude is an opener of locked-up blessings.
It is worth it to keep one for yourself. You will see the change yourself and it will be incredible.
P.S It is vital that you write with a lot of genuine feelings and emotions.
But if you don’t feel truly happy and grateful right away, don’t worry, slowly it will come and you will start to tap into the feeling of gratefulness quickly and easily.
Gratitude is as much a practice as everything else that is good in this world.
Why keep a gratitude journal
Keeping a gratitude journal is the best gift you can give to yourself.
You can make it a habit to write in your gratitude journal either first thing in the morning or at the end of the day before going to bed (instead of using your phone).
It will be a wonderful way to end and give thanks for the day.
And if you don’t get a chance to do it every day, try to write a journal at least 3 times a week.
Below are all the reasons why you should keep a gratitude journal which I have found true for myself: 🙂
- Gratitude journaling lets you count your blessings. Like, literally!
- You slowly become an expert in seeing the positive.
- You become more prone to goodness and kindness from people and surroundings.
- It helps you choose your feeling. With gratitude journaling, you decide to see the light.
- Gratitude journaling helps you be kind to yourself
- You will gradually learn to have an eye for the blessings in disguise.
- For everything that might be going wrong in your life, gratitude journaling allows you to see the good things that are going right and focus on them instead.
- It makes you more focused on what you have instead of what you don’t
- Gratitude journaling fosters an abundant mindset.
- Writing about the things you are grateful for allows you to enjoy life more and more even the simplest things.
- It makes you happier and more satisfied.
- You slowly become an expert on living and loving life!
And so much more…
So let’s start.
100 gratitude journal prompts for the next 100 days
1. If God asked you, “What do you love most about yourself?”, what would you say?
2. What’s something you’re grateful to have today that you didn’t have a year ago?
3. Write about what 3 things you need to let go to be happy.
Here is what I consider are the things to let go to be happy
4. Write about something you’re happy to accomplish. Sometimes that can be as little as being able to do the laundry, washing the dishes or even just breathing and not giving up.
5. What is it about Earth that you love the most?
6. What are the things that make your heart sing?
7. Write about a support/ kindness you received from a friend and how it made you feel.
8. What areas of your life do you think you should be thankful for?
9. What are some pleasures you can currently enjoy, thanks to your job?
10. Write about 3 things you’re doing good at currently.
It doesn’t necessarily be something that brings you money. Joy and happiness are bigger valuations.
11. What are the things that seem difficult, but looking deeper might be teaching you something?
12. Describe a photo from your gallery that makes you happy to see.
13. If you could invite anyone over dinner, who would you invite and what would you talk about?
14. Amidst all the negative things that are there in society, what positive changes do you see in society?
15. How does your home make you feel? Are there any changes needed?
I love my home and how it makes me feel.
If your house right now needs a deep decluttering and it is making you overwhelmed, read this post for tips on why I enjoy cleaning my home.
16. What talents/qualities do you have that come out more easily than the rest of the people? –
It might be that you are easily forgiving and that is a wonderful quality not many people have and most struggle with. Notice those.
17. What went well this week? What brought you joy this week?
18. What songs are you currently listening to and enjoying?
I am currently enjoying ALL songs from Taylor Swift’s new album ‘Midnights’, but my favourite is Mastermind.
19. What are some things that your partner makes easier for you?
20. Write about a hurtful time that you’re now grateful for.
21. Write about things you’re grateful to have in your home
22. Write about all the things and people in your life that make your life easier – phone, internet, delivery man, uber, your pet, your mother, your husband, your best friend, etc
23. If God was in the Kitchen making you breakfast, how would you feel, act and be?
24. Write about a difficult person and what teachings they might be bringing into your life unknowingly.
25. What note would you give to a friend who is going through a hard time?
26. What note would you give to yourself in a hard time if you see yourself as a friend too?
27. What was your favourite moment in the day?
28. What is something nice someone did for you this week?
29. What is something nice that you did for yourself?
30. Who have you appreciated lately? How did it make you feel?
31. What made you happy in the last 24 hours?
32. What acts of kindness did you see or receive lately?
You can note them on your phone as and when you see them around you, lest you forget, and later write in your journal.
33. How do you feel when your partner hugs you and gives you love?
34. List down what privileges you have in your life right now?
35. Name the places you visited that you are thankful for. Describe your travelling experiences and the people you met, the food you ate, and interesting things that happened on your journey.
36. Were you kind to yourself in your speech today?
37. Think about the worst moment in your life. Write about how your life is so much better since then.
38. Write three things you can do to be more grateful every day
39. Write about how you can be a better friend.
40. What would you like to imbibe more of in yourself?
41. List 5 activities that bring you joy.
If you currently feel that there is nothing that brings you joy or it is in shortage, what you’re only lacking is a hobby.
Here are 60 hobby ideas to bring joy to life.
42. What is an accomplishment you’re proud of?
43. What qualities do you love about yourself?
44. What house chores do you enjoy doing? If you don’t, how do you think you can enjoy doing these daily activities that make up a very big chunk of our life?
45. What books/podcasts are you grateful for?
46. What Instagram accounts are you thankful for? Here are the Instagram accounts I love to follow.
47. How can you pamper yourself more?
48. If you had a chance to do your life again, what would you change? What is stopping you?
49. What made you feel refreshed today?
50. Write about how forgiving someone could make you feel
51. Describe what about your pet makes you happy and smile
52. What are the things you can be grateful for tomorrow?
53. What is a positive piece of news you are thankful to hear?
54. Write about a friend you’re grateful to have in life
55. Write about your love for sunsets/sunrise/moons/sea/mountains. How do you feel when you see them?
56. 5 things you are grateful for today
57. What do you love about your partner?
58. Write about a colleague who is a friend and the times she/he showed you kindness.
59. Write down 10 things you love about your country
60. Write down 10 things you are thankful about for your job
61. What do you/did you love about your mother?
62. What do you/ did you love about your father?
63. What do you/did you love about your sister/brother?
64. Name what food you love
65. What gifts are you thankful to receive?
66. What is something that always puts a smile on your face?
67. What makes you happy to be alive?
68. What is something about the modern world you’re thankful for?
69. What freedoms do you enjoy in your life?
70. Who do you love most? Why?
71. At what times are you really happy? f
For me, I am really happy when I am out on a walk, when I write a good blog post, when I spend time with my loved ones, play with my dog and puppy amongst other things.
72. 10 things you love about yourself
73. Write about a teacher/mentor you’re grateful for
74. Write about a family member you’re grateful for
75. What is your favourite season and why?
76. Write about how can you make someone happy?
77. What gifts did you receive this year? What made you happy?
78. What are three words you would like to affirm for yourself?
79. Make a list of 10 ways you are fortunate
80. Whom do you admire in life? List their qualities
81. What are some things that you are taking granted for in life? How can you be more thankful for it?
82. What is something you would love if someone did for you?
83. Who offered help to you this week? And how
84. What is something beautiful you saw today?
It can be a video you saw on Facebook that put a smile on your face, or it could be you saw someone giving biscuits to a stray dog and it made you smile.
85. Who made you smile today?
86. Count your blessings
87. Name a favourite movie/to show that you really love. Why did you love it so much?
88. What tradition do you love and why?
89. How did you turn a negative situation into a positive one?
90. What is your favourite festival? How can you spend it with more enjoyment, peace and love?
91. What do you love most about your body?
92. What made you smile today?
93. What are some things that your parents make easier for you?
94. Have you felt gratitude lately? Have you given enough gratitude for your life?
95. How can you practice being kind to others?
Here are 40 ideas on how to make someone happy if you’re looking.
96. What YouTube accounts are you thankful for?
97. Have you given any kind comments to your favourite creators on the internet? How did it make you feel?
98. What are the things that immediately cheer you up?
99. What do you love about your hometown?
100. How do you practice kindness for yourself, especially on hard days? Here are some ways to practice self-love when suffering.
So these were all the gratitude journal prompts
I hope you will try these prompts and feel more gratitude and joy in your life and keep a count on your blessings!
There is really so much to be thankful for and so much your heart is capable of being thankful for.
God bless you and God bless your heart.
Happy day of gratefulness!
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