Deciding to simplify your life in this modern-day fast-paced world is close to being a rebel because you are vowing to not let the world’s temptations, distractions and complexity get to you.
It is really, really easy to make things complicated. You can do it in an instant. But simplifying life takes practice, patience and mindfulness.
You need to bring in awareness into your daily habits, your reactions, your speech and how you are living your life and get intentional with how you want to truly live YOUR life.
In one of the posts I have written about how you can simplify the house of your life, but today in this post, I want to talk (write) about the 10 most important areas to simplify in your life.
Simplifying these areas of your life will make you feel lighter, cleaner and clearer as if you are now going to make space for things that you now truly deserve.
And trust me, it does feel that way.
So without lengthening further, let me begin:
10 major areas to simplify in your life
Table of Contents
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1. Simplify Your belongings
I am not a minimalist, and you don’t have to be a minimalist to simplify your life.
I believe in having and honouring our true desires in our hearts, but also being equally intentional about what you truly want and need in your life.
To simplify your life, start by simplifying your belongings. Think about the things that you have that you truly need.
Everything you buy will become your belongings, an addition to your possessions.
If you want to simplify your life, be intentional with your possessions and belongings. If it adds value, use, and a good feeling in you that will sustain you over a long period of time, then go for it.
If not, then consider the why behind your desire to possess it.
As for the things you already have in your possessions, start decluttering and declutter everything that doesn’t add any value to your life.
Here are some tips on how to simplify your life by decluttering
2. Simplify your Money
Money is such an important area of our life that we fail to give our due honor.
We often only tend to talk about lack and what problems we have because of money or lack of money.
Simplify your relationship with money by acknowledging the good things it is still bringing into your life.
Get rid of debt and every time you are able to give away your debt, give your money with a sense of thankfulness that you are now making space for a debt-free life.
A debt-free life is a simple life.
I have no debt in my life and I can’t tell you how freeing and simple my life feels.
I now mostly buy things only by paying in full amounts and don’t use any credit card except for making international payments for my blog expenses since I am from India.
I don’t talk negatively about money and instead, let it add to my joys.
Also, simplifying life is good for your money situation because your desires will become simpler, and so your money will actually begin to thrive.
3. Simplify your Relationships
You can never simplify your life if your relationships bring you down or aren’t authentic. Especially important is the relationship you have with your partner.
I truly believe that our partners have a big role to play in making our lives simpler or more complicated. My life truly started moving towards more simplicity after meeting my sweet love.
A truly loving relationship is always simple, and fun, and adds to joy no matter how chaotic our outside life may seem.
And a relationship that is wrong for you will always bring in drama, anxiety, stress and a cause of pain.
But of course, simplifying our relationships also takes equal effort and awareness on our own part of how we too are being, acting and reacting as a partner.
Simplifying your relationships would need you to bring more awareness to your thoughts, words, actions and expectations.
It would also need you to reflect on your bondings with other people because they are all part of our web of relationships.
If you want to simplify your relationship, reflect if you’re bonding over appreciation or gossip; if you’re bonding over abundance or lack; if you’re bonding over health or sickness; if you’re bonding over gratitude or complaints.
4. Simplify your Home
Your home is your sacred abode. It is where you recharge yourself. It is where you will allow yourself to feel inspired and live your true self.
If your home doesn’t make you feel nice, happy, joyful and inspired, but is full of mess, clutter, unattended papers, files, clothes and items that have been lying there forever then it’s time to simplify your home.
This is such an important area of my life because I have noticed that how my home is, has a direct impact on my mood and how I feel.
Simplify your home by decluttering first, space by space and organizing things to where it belongs.
I love keeping my home neat and tidy and here in this post, I’ve written about why I enjoy cleaning my home and not dread it.
P.S step-by-step guide to organizing your life
5. Simplify your commitments
Commitment here refers to the goals that you’d like to work on.
Simplify your commitments and don’t take on every commitment you feel you can or want to.
There are so many things I’d love to put in the time, but I know I can’t because it would disperse my energy and how I show up in other things.
Also, I feel you need to make space for life to happen as well where it’s not just about goals and achievements, but also giving space for family, hobbies, fun and just life.
You might think you can do everything a little bit, but that way you won’t be honouring anything fully.
Simplify your life by choosing only 1 or 2 commitments at a time and devoting fully to them.
Don’t feel guilty for turning down some of the things your heart wants to do, but instead tell yourself that you can always come back to it later, but for now, say to yourself, ‘I will give my commitment to just this one thing’.
6. Simplify your Daily routine
Simplify your daily routine, that is the things that you do daily.
If your life right now feels like a mess that nothing is in order, and you don’t know how you can get your life together, I’d like to say that it’s simply because you have not simplified my daily routine.
Not managing your time properly and not having a stable routine is why your life feels so messy.
This is because our life is simply a collection of the 24 hours given to us.
Once you manage and simplify your time, trust me, you will feel as if great chaos in your life has been put to order.
A simple way to do this is simply to maintain a simple daily routine and do whole tasks.
By doing whole tasks I mean, not to multi-task which is the main cause for us feeling like all our mental tabs are open.
Anyway, here are my tips on how to create a simple daily routine you can stick to.
7. Simplify your relationship with social media
This is such an important area of our life because, in the time where we’re living, we are almost always online and on social media scrolling through the phone and watching what others are doing.
If we don’t bring our awareness to this area then our life can get easily complicated and our mental health can get easily tossed.
Too much screen time unknowingly adds to a lot of stress and anxiety.
It’s as if we get sucked into our little screen and all of our life is happening not outside but inside our little screen.
Social media has made our life unnecessarily complicated because we tend to miss out on the real-life outside.
It is important that you simplify your relationship with social media and maintain healthy rules around using it.
Here are my tips on how to improve your relationship with social media.
8. Simplify your food and eating habits
Eating is something we have to do every day and it is the sole reason that keeps us alive on this Earth.
But often what we eat and how we eat is the cause of much of our stress and unhealthiness in our life.
This year simplify your food and eating habits by choosing to eat more fresh foods, bringing mindfulness to your food desires and cravings and also being mindful while eating.
A good way to do this would be to not use a phone or television while eating and simply be with the flavours of the food and how it tastes.
Here is how to simplify your eating habits
9. Simplify your Mindset
Your mindset is also an area of your life because it determines the entire quality of your life.
If your mindset is that of lack, scarcity, mistrust and that which has gotten too comfortable with staying in the known and in the comfort zone then, you can never simplify your life.
You don’t only need to learn, but also unlearn a lot of things.
Transforming your mindset will automatically simplify your life and shift your perspective.
The situations might be the same, but how you see things will be different.
Where earlier you would have seen the same situation with anger, doubt and regret, you will now start seeing it with kindness, compassion and trust.
So simplify your mindset because it makes life so much simpler and easier.
Here are 5 mindset shifts that will change your life.
10. Simplify your relationship with self
Lastly, simplify your relationship with yourself.
Too often we are all living in a complicated relationship with ourselves where we say so many mean things to ourselves that we wouldn’t have said to anybody.
To simplify our relationship with ourselves, I believe the only requirement is to be kinder to ourselves and to see ourselves as a friend who needs our support and kindness.
Kindness makes things simple, always.
So let go of the doubt and negative self-talk and heal your relationship with yourself by seeing yourself as a friend and being in touch with your inner child who needs your love and tenderness.
So this was it- the important things in your life to simplify.
Before I end, I would only like to say that it’s all about bringing awareness or mindfulness into these areas of our life.
We can do it better if we question our ‘why’ behind why we do what we do and just be kind, and compassionate to ourselves and always seek to make things better and to learn good things in life.
That is the recipe for living simply and it’s not at all difficult.
I wish you a simple and wonderful week ahead.
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