I truly believe that it is our mindset that determines the quality of our life. And In this post, I want to share 8 mindset shifts that I think will change the way you live.
Unless we are very aware with our self, aware of what we’re being told by others and aware of what we’re feeding our minds and living with intention, most of us are living with a mindset that tries to limit us, hold us and stop us from becoming who we truly are meant for becoming.
And it is not our fault even.
Our mindset is formed subtly by what we hear, see, read and believe by the rest of the world.
And because the majority of the people in the world are living in unawareness and being limited by fear, anxiety, discouragement, judgements and scarcity, the same collective consciousness reaches us and becomes our individual mindset and individual consciousness too.
This makes us constantly think about what others think, fear the judgements of others, not get out of our comfort zone and constantly play small in life.
But here I’d say that just by being a little aware of our mindset- that is our thinking and our beliefs and changing our mindset, can greatly change how we lead our lives.
How do you create a mindset shift?
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I believe you can create a mindset shift in the following ways
Step 1: Being aware of what you’re feeding your mind in the form of what you’re reading, watching and listening.
Step 2: And then feeding the mind with good stuff by reading good books, listening to good podcasts and watching good movies and videos on YouTube,
Step 3: Be aware of what content you’re consuming on social media and not just take everything lightly just because they’re memes.
Step 4: Then make your social media space into a space you would love by unfollowing anyone who makes you feel less of yourself and anyone who doesn’t align with how you want to be.
Step 5: Bring awareness to what others tell you and choose what you want to accept.
For example, if you find some people bringing you down or criticising you or judging you, then you choose to decide whether you want to accept what they have to say about you or not.
Step 6: By choosing what you want to believe in, instead of merely accepting everything you see and hear as facts.
Step 7: Be aware of your speech and what you’re saying to yourself and to others about your life.
Step 8: Lastly, bring awareness to what your beliefs are, and your opinions are and do not accept everything that your mind is telling you too.
Because not all thoughts and not all of our feelings are facts. They are all learned and sometimes we learn them wrong.
Mindset Shifts that will change how you live
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1. You have a choice in how you want your life to be
The first mindset shift you need to make is changing your narrative about how you see yourself in your life.
Your mindset needs to shift from “I am so stuck in life” to “I have a choice in how I want my life to be” because you really do have a choice.
Your life right now in this present moment, whether you love it or not, is a result of all the choices you have made in the past.
You cannot change the past, but right now, you have a choice.
If you keep saying “I am so stuck and I can’t do anything” then that is also a choice you are taking.
Remember, what you don’t change, is what you keep choosing.
You always have a choice and the future lies in your hands in how you choose to live in the present.
As long as you live, you always have a choice.
Here is what you can do,
Write down all the things that you want to change in your life. Write down one by one if you can change it and if you can, how can you change it?
And if there’s something you can’t change, is there anything you can do instead of complaining? Write them all down without any restrictions and you will find your heart to guide you.
2. You don’t have to know everything beforehand to get started
Most of us don’t start what we want to do because we feel we don’t know enough, and then keep waiting for the time we’ll know enough in order to start.
And the result- we never get started at anything.
The truth here is that we will never know enough until we start it.
If we all had all the knowledge beforehand, then there would be no discoveries, no inventions and nothing would be created.
It is because we start before knowing, and know by making mistakes, that we learn.
I have now come to the conclusion that we will learn only once we start and we will learn along the way, and that is how we must take learning.
Thus the mindset shift here is to go from, “I don’t know how to do it” to “I will learn how to do it along the way”
Having this mindset shift has given me the courage to start before I feel confident enough to start. It has built trust in myself that I have the ability to learn and that I needn’t know everything before I start.
This is how I started my blog- everything I know about blogging now is what I learned after I created a blog, not before.
I made plenty of mistakes, and I am still learning, but now I can say that I have learned so much now.
I wouldn’t have been able to say this had I just said, “But I know nothing about blogging, how should I start knowing nothing?!”
Now, I have also started my own podcast called, ‘Heart Of Living’ and did my first episode on my birthday 13th of January.
I know nothing about podcasts, except that I love to listen to them. I am learning everything from YouTube and by listening to others, but still, I have already started because I now have come to trust in my ability to learn along the way.
If you want to listen to my podcast, do follow me on Spotify or apple podcasts.
3. Be grateful for what you have
This is one of the most important mindset shifts.
The more we focus on our lack, the more we bring lack.
Yes, you might not have everything you want, but you must shift your mindset from feeling of lack to feeling of abundance for all that you still have.
So your mindset must shift from, “I don’t have enough” to “I am grateful for what I have”
It helps to write down 3 things you are grateful for each day.
Here are 100 gratitude journal prompts for 100 days.
I also have a 21-day gratitude challenge you can do which is where you will be getting a gratitude journal prompt, a gratitude challenge and a quote to inspire you in making gratitude your way of life.
You can join the challenge below:
4. You will be able to afford anything you desire
The third mindset shift you need to make is to never say, “I can’t ever afford that” and instead say, “Yes, I will be able to afford that and I will create a life that will allow me to afford anything I want”
You yourself create your own abundance and lack. If you believe you can never afford something, then it will be so.
Don’t ever limit yourself by saying that you won’t ever be rich, you can’t ever be that rich, I don’t want to be rich, I can’t ever have that, and things as such.
In the vast realm of the Universe, your desires no matter how big are really tiny.
Believe and say and visualise living your dream life often.
By simply doing so, you will start to believe in yourself, in your abilities, and in your life and will want your life to move in that direction.
But if you limit yourself beforehand by taking it as a certain that you will never be able to afford something, then your life situation can never change, because you have already accepted so.
P.S how to make a vision board that actually manifests
5. If he/she can do it, so can I
When we hear other people’s success stories, we get inspired for a while, but then our mind quickly tries to diminish it by saying, “But he/she can do it. He/she can do it, but I can’t”
And then we go on to explain how their situation is different than ours, or how and why they can, but we can’t.
But this is just your mind trying to trick you because it doesn’t want to get out of your comfort zone and because you have always believed you can’t and so it has become your false reality.
Here you must shift your mindset from, “He/she can do it, I can’t”, to “If she/he can do it, so can I”
And then notice all the reasons your mind feels you can’t, and if you should just believe what your mind is telling you without you even trying in the first place.
6. Anything is possible as long as you’re alive
Sometimes I tend to think, “but that is too difficult, that is impossible to get done”, but then I remind myself, “Who am I to limit myself by believing it’s not possible when the result is yet unknown”
Then I shift my mindset from “It’s not possible” to “Anything is possible as long as we’re alive”
Because really, everything IS possible.
- If you’re still alive, your relationships can change for the better
- If you’re still alive, you can rebuild your life
- If you’re still alive, you can go after your goals no matter your age.
- If you’re still alive, you can change your life to what you want it to look like.
- If you’re still alive, you can still be who you always wanted to be
God is kind. The universe is kind. Nothing is irredeemable unless you believe it is.
Everything is possible and achievable and this is the mindset I am going forward with in life.
I am 30 years old and I am so excited about all possibilities in life.
7. Things always work out in the best possible way for me
I see many people believe in the negative so strongly.
And it’s not their fault even. They do this only because they want to protect themselves from the worst situation.
They feel that by expecting bad things, they are preparing themselves for them.
But if you expect things to go wrong, then you will be manifesting the same by always doubting the future, not trusting people, and not cherishing all the ways life might be working out wonderfully.
So instead of telling yourself and everyone that things never work out for you smoothly, believe that life has the best in store for you.
Believe that life always works out in the best possible way for you.
Because, if you’re reading this and you’re still alive, with a roof over your head, with people in your life who care for you, then it means that life has actually worked out wonderfully for you.
8. Be ready to experience all of life
Lastly, shift your mindset from, “I want to always be happy”, to “I want to experience all of life”
Wanting to be happy isn’t a good goal to keep. You can’t always be happy. And happiness is really a vague term.
True happiness comes only from accepting wholeness and accepting all of life.
The more you only want to be happy, the more you make it a cause for unhappiness.
Instead, shift your mindset from happiness to wholeness and strive to accept and embrace all of life.
We are born here not just to be happy, but we are born here to be whole. We are born here to love, and to lose; to laugh and to be hurt, to be happy, and to grieve, to be happy and to suffer.
And the earlier we start to embrace this truth of life, the more whole we will become as human beings in our experience of life.
So these were all the mindset shifts you need to make
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I hope you bring awareness to your everyday habits, your everyday thoughts and speech and do not accept everything at face value.
You can change your life and it only requires a little shift in your mindset.
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