Just simply asking yourself “What do I want to do with my life?” is not enough.
We need to be specific in the questions we ask ourselves because asking the right questions and taking the time to answer them can jumpstart our growth and action.
Here is where these self-reflection questions come in. This post has 100 self-reflection questions for your personal growth asking specific questions divided into 10 categories to make it easier for you to know what you really need and want to do in life.
Self-reflection questions based on different areas
Table of Contents
Here are the various topics you can find the self-reflection questions for
- Personal growth
- Knowing yourself better
- Intentional living
- Self-care
- Better habits
- Mental health
- Money Mindset
- Relationships
- Work and career
- Future goals
So let’s start with the questions
Self-reflection questions for personal growth
1.What are the 1-2 things that if you get done, you’ll go to bed content today?
2. Where do I see myself in the next 10 years?
3. In what areas do I need to allow myself to be a beginner, so that I can learn?
4. What are the things I can attempt to do in this lifetime? What is stopping me?
5. How can I win in the morning?
6. What do I need to do today to reach where I want to be in the next 10 years?
7. List out your deathbed regret list
8. What is a small thing you can do today that you will say thank you to yourself for?
9. What is one action that would make today a success?
10. Six months from now on, what will you wish you had spent more time on today?
Self Reflection questions to know yourself better
11. Who all have influenced me to be the kind of person I am today?
12. How has your life been up til now?
13. How do you want your life to be from this moment on?
14. What are my 5 strengths that I must cultivate more?
15. What are my 5 biggest shortcomings that limit me?
16. What are the things that make my heart sing?
17. What breaks my heart?
18. What are the things I’d love to experiment with in this lifetime?
19. What kind of person do I not wish to be?
20. What kind of life do I not want to have?
Self-reflection questions for intentional living
21. How do I wish to live this life?
22. In what ways can I show more courage in my daily life?
23. What do I wish to create in my life?
24. Are my actions moving me closer or farther from the life that I dream of?
25. What do I need to remove from my life?
26. What is a small but courageous choice you can make today?
27. If I keep doing what I do today for the next 5 years, where am I heading?
28. What would you still do if the words failure, success and money were not a thing?
29. People will tell stories about you at your funeral. What kind of life and person do you wish your life to be told about?
30. What do I need to remove today to create space for what I need to do today?
Self-reflection questions for self-care
31. What activities fill me up with energy? When can I schedule my time for it every day?
32. What activities drain my energy? When am I most likely to do it?
33. How can I relax and slow down?
34. What are some daily rituals I can do with more ease and lightness without the need to rush?
35. What is a simple pleasure that brings me great happiness? How can I enjoy it today?
36. How can I make today feel like play?
37. What are the things I need to de-prioritise?
38. What are the things I must appreciate about my life that I haven’t done lately?
39. Sometimes we are too hard on ourselves and criticize our mistakes to an unhelpful degree. Sometimes we are too easy on ourselves and let excuses run our lives. Which way are you leaning right now? How can you pull yourself back to the centre?
40. What is a self-care night routine I can start doing?
Self-reflection questions for better habits
41. What are the habits that I need to let go of that are just nice in the short term?
42. What habits do I need to cultivate that will help me in the long term?
43. Are the results that I wish to get aligned with the habits I am doing each day?
44. What habits am I reinforcing each day?
45. What habits do I need to let go of?
46. How can I make my mornings feel nicer?
47. What morning habits do I need to cut off?
48. What daily habits will help me move closer to my dreams?
49. What am I continuing to do out of habit that is no longer serving me?
50. What is one step I can take today to help create the outcomes I want in life?
Self-reflection questions for mental health
51. How can I be kinder to myself?
52. In what areas am I being too harsh on myself?
53. What are the things that are still under my control?
54. Is there anything really wrong in this present moment?
55. How can I be more present in the next 5 minutes?
56. What stories am I telling myself that are keeping me and my dreams limited?
57. What are the things I need to prioritize?
58. In which areas do you need to set clear boundaries?
59. How can I make the space where I spend my most time more energizing and inspiring?
60. What is something you should stop caring about?
Self-reflection questions for money mindset
61. What is your current relationship with money?
62. How can you improve your relationship with money?
63. Do I feel I can really live a debt-free life?
64. How much of my everyday conversations am I talking about lack of money?
65. What do I believe about money?
66. What did I hear my parents and family talking about money?
67. Do you feel money is bad or a wonderful medium?
68. What do I think about people who have a lot of money? Do I think they’re all frauds and evil or do I think we can make money genuinely in life?
69. What do you feel about your current spending habits?
70. What amount of money would you like to have?
P.S Money mindset shifts to make
Self-reflection questions for relationships
71. Whose company do you love to be with? How can you give yourself more time with them?
72. Who am I complaining about the most these days? How can I set clearer boundaries with them?
73. How can I be a loving partner?
74. How can I be a better friend?
75. Is it more important to be right or to maintain my relationship?
76. How can you be more present in your relationships?
77. Who makes me want to be a better person?
78. What stories is my mind creating about my partner when I am angry?
79. Who caused you the most hurt? How can you forgive them and open yourself up again so that your future experiences don’t have the same feelings attached
80. Who haven’t I talked to in a long while that makes me feel nice?
Self-reflection questions for work and career
81. How can you make your work more fun?
82. What career would I want to pursue if I wanted to have the most fun?
83. What skills can I learn that will help me earn 10x?
84. What career would I pursue if I wanted the biggest impact?
85. What are some important problems you can solve in your career? And if you’re not working on them, why not?
86. What is a little bit of extra work that has a huge payoff?
87. What is one of your natural gifts? How can you give more time to it?
88. What type of work brings you the most happiness and meaning?
89. If you could do anything in the world, what would you do? What is stopping you from doing it?
90. What will happen if I don’t do this work?
Self-reflection questions for future goals
91. What are my biggest life goals?
92. What are my goals for the next 5 years?
93. What are my goals for the next 10 years?
94. What are three short-term goals I can work towards?
95. What daily routine do I need to set to start reaching my goals?
96. What action steps do I need to take each day to get closer to my goals?
97. List out your bucket list
98. What changes do I need to make in my environment to reach my goals?
99. What are my biggest barriers to reaching my goals?
100. What do I need to let go of to reach my goals?
P.S How to create a simple daily routine that sticks
So these were 100 self-reflection questions for your personal growth
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I hope you take your time to choose and answer them.
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