10 Questions you should ask yourself at the end of the year
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In this post I share 10 questions for you to answer for the end of the year self reflection.
But before that, why is it important?
As the year is coming to an end, I like to do the practice of a year end reflection. I shared my annual review of 2020 in my blog last year, and this year too I am excited to follow the practice.
Updated: Here is my Annual Review for 2021
It helped me see what what good things I did in the year, what good things happened and also all the things that didn’t work out. I also went through my journal, my amazon account of what all I purchased.
Apart from being fun, it also allowed me to know what lessons I learnt in the past year, and what I want to take forward in the coming year.
I am sticking to this end of the year reflection practice strongly year after year as it helps me move forward with greater clarity, confidence and lets me know how I can be closer to my true self in the coming year.
If you’ve never done this practice of the end of the year self-reflection, I highly urge you to start it this year.
Here are 10 questions to ask yourself for year-end reflection

1. What are the 10 best things I am thankful for this year?
2. What was my biggest accomplishment for this year that I am proud of?
3. What are the things I don’t need that I need to let go of before the new year?
4. What is something I am doing better now than in the start of the year?
5. What are some things I could have done better?
6. Was I gentle to myself? If yes, in what ways? If no, in what ways was I not, and how can I be more gentle to myself the coming year?
7. Did I do difficult/challening things this year?
8. What should I have de-prioritized this year?
9. What lessons am I taking for the coming year?
10. What are my intentions for the next year? How do I plan to take them on?
So these are the 10 questions for year end reflection. Take some time out just for yourself to answer these questions.
Answer them in no hurry, and write them down with much thought. You don’t have to answer them all in one go.
Take your time. The time you spend in answering these questions honestly and thoughtfully will surely make you ahead of others in having a great 2022!
Wish you a wonderful year ahead
Related posts:
- Why you must be okay with wasting time
- How to embrace the joy of not knowing the coming year
- 15 things to get rid of this year
- How to organize your life before the year ends
- 12 things to do at the start of the month
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