Summer has officially started. If you’re someone who has to spend all summer at home and you don’t know what to do to make summer fun and enjoyable, here is a list of fun ways to enjoy and spend your summer at home.
How to Spend Summer at Home
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1. Try gardening
Gardening is relaxing and calming. Start a garden this summer. You can start by bringing home a few plants and taking care of them and then learning how to propagate them.
Even if you don’t have a lot of space at home or a backyard, you can still start a small balcony garden or even a small kitchen garden. All you need is potting soil, vermicompost, a few pots and plants.
It’s fun to get your hands dirty, touch the soil and see your plants grow slowly.
2. Makeover your balcony
If your balcony is full of clutter and a storehouse of all the things you don’t need, try doing a makeover of your balcony this summer.
Get some inspiration from Pinterest and do a makeover. Turn it into a space where you can relax and enjoy your time where you can have tea in the mornings and evenings or where you can just play some games.
I did a balcony makeover and it uplifted my spirit so much.

3. Finish a book
Instead of scrolling on your phone all day, pick up a book to read and determine to finish at least one book this summer.
Make a list of books you want to read and pick them up.
An easy way to pick up the reading habit is to read at least 5-10 pages first thing in the morning.
Here are the best books everyone should read and it includes both fiction and non-fiction.
4. Make a vision board
If you’ve never made a vision board, then this summer try making one.
Get my vision board manifestation guide+ checklist here where I share how you can make a vision board that manifests.
5. Try yoga and exercise
Become that girl/ that guy this summer and get into exercising and moving your body.
You don’t have to do high-intensity workouts. Just focus on getting into the habit of exercise.
You don’t have to focus too much on losing weight at first go, just focus on movement for your body and getting into an exercise routine. Set a fixed time for exercise rather than saying later or tomorrow.
Here is how I made myself love working out.
You can also try the free Chloe Ting Challenges she has on her website.
For yoga, I follow Jessica Richberg and Mady Morrison on YouTube
6. Write lists
When you’re bored, write fun lists.
Or if you feel your life is really unorganised right now, writing lists is very helpful.
Here are some lists to write to get organized
7. Play games
Board games are so fun. You can call your friends or play with your family.
During the pandemic when we all had to say in, we (me, my mom, sister, nephew and my boyfriend) would play either of these games every evening
This was how we spent most evenings at home and it would be so fun.
You could also try solving puzzles. This was my favourite as a kid.
8. Have a family movie time
Another way we would spend our time at home was by watching movies together.
We would choose movies of different genres depending on our mood and we would watch one movie every week.
You can host a movie time at your home and call your friends and family and turn it into a little party with pizza, popcorn and cold drinks it will be such a fun activity to add to your summer bucket list
9. Camp in your backyard
Who doesn’t love camping?! Even if you don’t have anywhere to go this summer you can just camp in your backyard and have a little barbecue party with your friends and family.
If you don’t have a camping tent, here is a camping tent with an easy set-up that has great reviews on Amazon.
10. Work on your new identity
If you want to change your life, but somehow can’t take action or you always keep failing, most of the time it’s because we still view ourselves as someone who is lazy, who doesn’t have discipline, who lacks self-esteem and confidence and the like.
Until we have this identity about ourselves, no matter how hard we try to change, nothing will work.
An easy way to get past this, which most of us don’t know is to simply change your identity.
Change the way you see yourself.
Decide on what kind of a person this new you will be.
If you decide that your new identity is someone who is kind and compassionate, will you be harsh to yourself? Will you keep on criticising yourself?
If you decide that your new identity is someone who is determined and has a lot of willpower, will you keep scrolling the phone and acting as if you have no dreams to take care of?
No, you wouldn’t want to.
You will automatically start acting like the identity you view yourself as.
So what identity do you want to create for yourself this summer?
If you look at it in a fun way, you can actually choose and drop an identity at the time you want. Choose the one that uplifts and motivates you.
11. Start a gratitude journal
This summer work on your gratitude practice.
Gratitude is a life shifter and an opener of all locked-up blessings.
The more you are grateful, the more you bring more things to be grateful for in your life.
You can join my free 21-day Gratitude Challenge for this where you will receive one gratitude challenge and one gratitude journal prompt every day for the next 21 days.
Subscribe below to join the Gratitude Challenge this summer
12. Organize at-home events
You can organize an at-home event at your place and call your friends or family for a night stay.
As Nepali Indians, we love momo parties where we make momos together, eat, talk, laugh and get together. It’s a great time we have.
If you’ve never tried Momo before, you should keep it on your bucket list to come to Darjeeling and have momo!!
Anyway, here are some ideas on events you could organize:
- Karaoke night
- BBQ party
- Board Game
- Pizza and movie night
- Tea party
- Vision board party
- Cosplay party
13. Rearrange your furniture
I don’t know if it’s just me, but I love rearranging my furniture.
Obviously, I don’t do it so frequently, but whenever the furniture get re-arranged and its places get changed, the whole look and feel of the room changes.
Also, I just happened to change and rearrange my room yesterday and I am loving it.
I think this too is a fun thing to do this summer.
14. Change your hairstyle
Change your hairstyle this summer and make yourself feel good.
Look for the hairstyle that will match your face structure. You can look up on Pinterest for inspiration.
You can also colour your hair this summer or get hair extensions.
I think changing hairstyles is also a great way to feel recharged and rejuvenated and an indicator that you are ready to start a new chapter in life.
15. Make ice cream
Make ice cream and popsicles of your favourite flavours and enjoy your summer at home.
Here is how to make ice cream
How to make your first popsicles at home
16. Give your room a makeover
This summer you can give your room a makeover.
I love home decor and I love it when my room is neat and tidy.
When I shifted to Kolkata for my work, my home was plain and empty.
I know minimalists would like it that way, but I love it when my room gives me a feeling and warmth when I enter the room.
It’s not about adding a whole lot of unnecessary stuff in your room and creating clutter, but just about adding the things that make your room give you warmth and also inspiration.
I think the easiest way to give your room a makeover is to get new plants and a few nice plants stands.
Here are some:
- 5 Tier Plant Stand indoor plant
- Bamboo Plant Stand
- 3 Tier Plant Stand
- Plant stand for indoor and outdoor plants
- Small Plant Holder
I started gardening and planting after living alone. Even a few small plants just add so much life to a room.
I also put up wallpaper on two of my walls myself and you can also do that to your room this summer.
Here is the exact same wallpaper I have put up in my living room and I have had so many people saying they love this one more than the other one I have in my other room.
17. Try a new hobby
Hobbies are a must, especially for us adults. I say this because I truly feel we must have something that we do just for fun and just for filling the creativity that is inside us.
You don’t have to make money out of something you love. Then it becomes work.
No matter how old we are, we must return to the child within and hobbies help us do that.
I’ve done an entire podcast episode on why we should all have hobbies as an adult.
You can listen to it here:
18. Go on a hike
You can also go on a short hike close to your home. You can go on a solo hike or take your friends along with you.
Or you can also get a bike for yourself and go on a bike ride in your city.
But make sure you’re not going out in the heat and push yourself too much.
19. Go for a Picnic
Picnics are always fun and you can go on a picnic this summer with your close ones.
At my home in Siliguri, which is a small city in the foothills of the northeastern side of India, we have riverside, hills and forests nearby and we love to go for picnics, or even just for a swim in the river.
If you are fortunate to have places that are in nature close to your home, then make the best use and time out of this summertime
20. Declutter and organize
It’s how I keep inspiration stay with me. If my room is messy, I just can’t seem to function properly.
But most of us have gotten used to clutter and unconsciously we always feel burdened and overwhelmed.
Hardly do we realize that it’s because of all the clutter that’s everywhere.
This summer go ahead with decluttering all the things in your home that you don’t need.
Start afresh and make your home, room light and spacious as if you are allowing space for all the good things to enter in your life.
Once you declutter, trust me you will feel so good and your mind will lighten up too.
Here is a summer home decluttering checklist and a beginner’s guide to organize your life
21. Go for mindful walks
Go out for mindful walking in the evening.
I love evening walk where I walk slowly and mindfully without rushing and without the need to reach a particular destination.
I simply focus on walking and being in the present moment.
I have written a separate post on how to enjoy long walks because I now have learned that there is also an art to walking.
On your walk, you can also listen to peaceful music, flute music or meditation music and enjoy a relaxing walk on a summer evening.
22. Learn new things
Rather than dying of boredom at home and not knowing, learn new skills that you could make use of.
Here are 30 things to learn when bored at home.
Final thoughts on how to enjoy summer at home
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These were some fun ways to enjoy your summer at home and make the best of your summertime, even if you have no plans of going out on vacation anywhere.
Make a list of the things you would want to try this summer from this list and check it off.
Make the best use of your summer holidays to turn into a new you and to try new things you always wanted
There are really so many things you can do.
I hope you have a wonderful summer at home!
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