How to practice self care? Do you have any self care practices for yourself which you turn to when life feels unbalanced? In this post I share my self care prescription which I turn to when I feel I’m falling little behind on myself.
Other times I just felt I needed to take care of myself by focusing on certain things. I never wrote them down. But this month I decided to write a self care prescription for myself.
You can try too. Write your own self care prescription in your diary or even a piece of paper will do. Just writing down will make you feel that you are actually ready to take care of yourself.
Reflect on yourself and think about you feel your soul and your being really needs. Think about what you can do to better take care of yourself? Think about what will ease you.
Maybe you need to add something or maybe you need to give somethings up. Your self care prescription might change according to your needs.
Here are some posts you might find useful
To give up:
- 10 Bad Morning Habits to Give up today
- Get Rid of these things to simplify life
- How to let go of anxiety and heal yourself
- 10 Toxic Habits to quit immediately and how to give them up
To Add:
- 10 Morning Habits to add that will change your life
- Easy 5 step Self Improvement Morning Routine
- How to start simplifying life
- How I simplified my life in 20 ways
Whatever it is for you, Remember you are your own best friend. Treat it with love, reflect and prescribe your self care medicine.

As for myself, this is my self care prescription for this month. These some self care activities which I know will help me bring back connection with myself and which will be good for my overall wellbeing.
My Self Care prescription
- Don’t Rush. Do things slowly. Remember that when you do things slowly you do things with more love and ease.
- Read in the mornings and evenings.
- Exercise for 30 minutes early in the morning.
- Meditate for 20-30 minutes everyday
- Don’t be lazy to go out and go for walks when it is not raining. You love long walks.
- Take ample rest time. Schedule it and enjoy it
- Work only at a fixed time.
So these were my self care prescription.
I fall back at times and get off balanced. There are so many things that try to pull in all directions and so many things you can’t control. Naturally, it happens to all of us.
Earlier I didn’t know what to do when life threw me off track track. I didn’t know how to get back in balance.
But now I have come to know that the starting point for everything is always the ‘self’. So now whenever I feel unbalanced I know I must return to my self and try to take charge of my self care.
This month it is by taking care of these things. How about you? How do you practice self care?
Remember, how you practice self care is how you take your power back.
- P.S 11 Self care Ideas when Life is tough
- How to build Self Discipline
- How I make time to read everyday
- A Loving Guide to gain clarity
- Don’t seek happiness if you want to be happy(What you must seek Instead)

Happy Self Care!
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