Imagine a life where you wake up every day with a purpose. You know what you have to do in your day. There is meaning in your life and you live each day intentionally fulfilling your purpose. You may not have it all, but you strive to do your best. What does it take to have such a life? The key to such a life is through clarity.
Your purpose fuels your clarity and your clarity fuels your purpose.
But in this highly distracting world of the 21st century, where newer and newer things are being introduced to capture our attention, the things that actually require our attention and our clarity- that is our goals and our dreams have taken a backseat and are lying stagnant.
It is a challenge to find the right balance between being informed and being overwhelmed, between being all caught up and being in solitude with our own selves.
And it seems that our sense of purpose has been buried under the vast depths of our lives.
But you must know that it is there.
Your purpose is there. Your sense of mission is there. You have just not given any time to explore it.
You have just gone with the flow of what the world is wanting you to do. But you need to stop, step back, and assess yourself. You need to get clarity.
What needs your clarity?
Table of Contents
The fact that we have been born into this world means that we each have a unique purpose to fulfill. If we didn’t, we would not have been born
These are the words of my mentor. I firmly believe in that.
But Most of us don’t even know what to do after waking up. (This was why I used to wake up so late earlier because I thought there was no point in waking up early). So if this is the case, how do we know what our mission is? What our unique magic is?
And apart from our mission, there are still a lot of other things that make us question, that leave us feeling lost and confused and make us lose our sense of direction.
- Our relationship– does he really love me? Is she/ he really the one? Should I try or should I let go? Is this relationship worth saving? What is love for me?
- our career– should I start a business or try for a government job? Should I quit my job? What after that? What do I really love to do? What business should I start?
- our finance– How can I have more money and live in abundance? How and when can I pay off this debt?
- our health– What do I need to do to improve my health?
These are some questions that we all face and all of these require us to get clarity but most often we dismiss it.
But Getting lost and confused is not a perpetual state of mind. It is under your control. Your clarity is under your control
Why do you need to get clarity?
Finding clarity will help you to have more of
- Self-awareness in your habits
- Self-love in your actions
- A sense of mission in your attitude
- Meaning in your day and
- Purpose in your life
I believe it is for these 5 reasons that we all need to get clarity and make space for it.
And as December has approached and a whole year is about to come to pass, it is all the more a wonderful time to seek clarity. You have got a whole year to review for yourself. Make some space for it and welcome a new year for all its fresh possibilities.
How to get clarity?
So here is a loving guide on how to get clarity. I’m not sure if you will find all your answers through it but these are what I have done and continue to do which help me get clarity in my days and in my life generally and whenever confusion strikes.
1. Don’t dismiss your confusion:
There might be many things in your life which you are unclear about. Maybe your relationship, your work, your finances, your goals, or anything. There are many things I too am unclear about. But the first thing I want to tell you when it comes to getting clarity is, ‘don’t dismiss your confusion’.
Your confusion is there asking for you to get clear on what you want and what you would love. Confusion is a chance for you to dig deeper into yourself.
So don’t dismiss your confusion waiting for the time when you will find all your answers. It does not work that way. Help the Universe to clear your path. It wants to clear your path.
2. Make space for clarity:
When you don’t make space for clarity, the things which are unclear, and things that you have been putting off (your dreams, your mission, your confusions) come to haunt you at odd hours and create anxiety.
Your subconscious knows it but still when you go on denying it and don’t create any space for it you unconsciously hurt yourself.
Whereas when you make space for clarity, you deliberately give time to it so it will stop pressuring you and you will satisfy your own self.
So make space for clarity. By space, I mean both outer space as well as mental space.
In order to get clarity, your outer space, that is your environment must also support you. But who can create that environment for you? It is you.
To make space for clarity, create an outer space that will benefit you. If your room is messy, you will never find clarity. But if you create an environment for yourself that is clean and tidy, trust me it will soothe you and it will uplift you. You will feel better and want to get into the right zone to get clarity.
By mental space, I mean you need to give time for clarity. Give it some time in your mental space regarding what needs to clear, what your goals are, what your visions are, what your confusion is about. Give it at least half-hour or an hour for it or a weekend, but do give it some space.
This mental space can be given in various ways which I mention down below
3. Go out for a solo walk:
Going on a solo walk can help you get clarity. For me, it is greatly refreshing and I always prefer going on walks alone. I go on a walk when I am happy, when I am sad, when I am hurt when I am confused, and with all other emotions. I find in myself a great difference before I go out for a walk and after I come back from a walk. I find myself elevated and things clear inside my head.
4. Sit in deliberate silence:
Make space to get clarity by sitting in deliberate silence. You can meditate by noticing your breath or you can simply sit in silence and contemplate.
Or you can go somewhere in nature and just be by yourself contemplating on things that need you to get your clarity.
The important thing is to allow some silence into your day. In silence we can find both the questions and the answers.
5. Call/ talk to your best friend:
Conversations give us clarity too and especially when we talk with our best friends. Most of the time they can give us clarity on what is really good for us better than we might give for ourselves.
So call your best friends and share with them your thoughts, your anxiety, your fears, your doubts, and whatever you are unclear about. They are our greatest allies when it comes to getting clarity on many things.
I always find myself calling my best friend whenever doubt arises and whenever I need a solution. From them, I get understanding and clarity and I can’t be more thankful for them.
6. Write a journal:
Other than your best friend, the one who can help you get clarity is you yourself, but for this clarity to come about, you need the help of two awesome things- they are pen and paper.
Things that are deep inside our hearts come to the surface as we write and it is almost astonishing how much writing can help you get clarity.
Write down your thoughts even if just a few sentences or a paragraph a day. Here is the surprising benefit of writing one sentence every day.
Write down your reflections, your thoughts, and your learnings, and what you think you need to do. Write down your goals, your budget, your plans, and whatever you need to get clear on.
You don’t have to be a writer. It doesn’t matter if you have never kept a journal before. Keep one for yourself now.
I have noticed that when I write, I learn much more.
Here is a post that was specifically written about the incredible benefits I have got from writing in a journal.
If you want to start writing too, it’s never too late.
Here is a 21-day guide for you to get into the journaling habit.
7. Allow yourself to start and make mistakes:
We think we need to get clarity first and then start a thing. But it actually works the other way.
In order to get clarity, allow yourself to start, allow yourself to be a beginner. Beginners make mistakes, but learn and grow. It is not essential that you know everything. What you will learn after starting will bring to you greater clarity.
Let us treat life as an adventure and experiment with things that our heart truly desires but are too scared to start.
It is how you will get clear on yourself, your goals and your mission.
Remember, ‘I don’t know is not negative. Every discovery has begun from there’. So if you have been putting off something till you have greater clarity about it, now is really the time to start.
Don’t put off things just because you don’t know. Don’t wait for the time when you will know it all. Clarity comes in action and reflection.
Read more about it in this post about how to embrace the joy of not knowing.
8. Eliminate the unessential:
If you want to get clarity on what matters in your life, start by slowly eliminating the unessential. Take a deep dive into your life and see what needs editing. As you remove the unessential, the essentials will start getting clear.
Eliminating the unessential would require you to
- filter out the noise
- quit multitasking
- cutting time on the time you spend on social media
- decluttering your room
- quit forcing friendships and unhealthy relationships
- and editing your habits
Here is a post on what all I eliminated and what all I added which have helped me to get clear about my life- 21 ways I simplified my life
Related post: How to simplify the house of your life
9. Inquire into your heart:
Our heart is the Universe itself. It knows everything. So listen to your heart. I have come to experience that our heart speaks to us in whispers and we must listen to it. And make space for it.
If you are confused, ask for the solution and give it some space and allow your heart to speak to you. What your heart has to say will give you clarity. Listen to it carefully and then fully trust.
‘You will never be able to escape from your heart. So it is better to listen to what it has to say’ – Paulo Coelho
If you want to listen to your heart but don’t know how-to, here are 5 simple ways to listen to your heart.
10. Pray:
Lastly, pray. Prayer is the most wonderful time to connect with our hearts. Make prayer a time where you go to get clarity.
Ask for clarity and it will provide you the wisdom for it. Prayer will reveal to you your purpose and your mission and whenever you may go astray, through prayer you will get clarity again to help you come back to your purpose.
I feel through prayer I return to the home of my heart.
Related post: The essence of daily prayer: Why I pray everyday
So this is what I had to say regarding how to get clarity. I hope you make space for it. But getting clarity is not a one-day event. It is a continuous process.
Even those who know where they have to go get lost in their way. We all do. Even those who think they know their purpose have the need to get clarity again and again. We all will.
So let us all get clear on our priorities and set out on our journey, our mission early on so that we have a long life to live fulfilling our mission.
Ending this post by a quote by Hellen Keller,
The only thing worse than being blind is having sight but no vision
I wish you a great week ahead and a delightful December full of self-reflection and clarity.