Do you love your mornings? If not, then in this post, I have put out 10 morning habits that will completely change your mornings and your life
I write this down because I hear so many of us say, “It is high time I change my life”. But then again, don’t know exactly what to do and hence repeat the same past patterns.
Now, you might say “its just morning, how will it change my life?”
Trust me, it does.
The word ‘Life’ is a big thing, perhaps, a vague term even. You cannot change life. You can only change the things that make up your life.
Also, you don’t even have to change all of it.
Just start by changing a small portion of your life, that is your morning, because your morning is how you start your day and how you start your day is how the rest of your day goes by. And… and… isn’t it our days that is making up our life?
As Louis Hay says,
~ If you want to have a wonderful life, bring all your focus to creating a wonderful day. And if you want to have a wonderful day, bring all your focus to creating a wonderful morning ~
And so without further digressing, here are these 10 morning habits I am talking about which will set you up for success.
10 morning habits that will change your life
Table of Contents
Before I begin, remember, some of these may be really small habits but don’t you underestimate them.
Add these morning habits to your day for a healthy lifestyle and Don’t just contemplate about them, but actually do them.
But don’t do them out of pressure, do them out of love.
Forget about self improvement, and just add these morning habits out of curiosity, out of love and see it as an experiment for few days and see how it makes you feel.
Then, once you experience the changes yourself, your life will change and improve automatically.
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1. Get up from bed immediately
Once your alarm rings don’t hit snooze and get up from bed immediately. The more you just lie in your bed even after waking up (especially using your phone) the more lazy you will feel to get up.
My tip is that you win over your mind the first time it says, ‘I want to stay in bed longer’. Recognize the moment your mind wants you to fall into your past habit and win over it immediately.
2. Make Bed Right away
This is another small morning habit but it makes a huge difference.
When I get up and make my bed right away, seeing it tidy really charges me and makes me feel like I now want to positively start my day and there is no feeling of wanting to stay in my bed again.
Whereas if it is unkempt and I see my bed untidy, I don’t feel motivated and laziness sets in.
I think this is the same for all of us. What we see and our environment plays a big role. That is why I suggest that you make your bed right away.
3. Strictly disconnect from your phone
If you want to change your life but if the first thing you do after waking up is use your phone and see what others are doing, when will you be intentional towards your life?
If you let all sorts of information come into your head early morning, who wouldn’t feel burdened?
For this, cut out this toxic morning habit and be strictly disconnected from your phone at least for the first 1 hour and spend it solely nurturing yourself.
I used to be guilty of doing this- check my phone and social media first thing after opening my eyes and I see everybody doing this. And I just want to tell everyone, ‘Please don’t do this!! Nothing is more derailing for your success’
(Other Toxic Morning Habits to Give up Immediately)
Not doing this small habit of scrolling my phone early in the morning has changed my life. It has now been years since I have stopped this and it has made so much difference.
A small tip would be to log out from your social media the night before or delete the app.
Related Post: 7 practices for a healthy relationship with social media
4. Read a book
I bet we have all heard the quote, ‘Our mind is a garden and we must nurture it with good thoughts
But how well do we put it into practice? And how do we cultivate and nurture good thoughts when our life is messy and complicated?
It’s not easy, for good and positive thoughts to come on their own.
We need inspiration. We need a good teacher to fill our minds with good thoughts and inspiring ideas.
And how will we find a teacher to guide us?
It is by reading. Good books I feel are portable teachers. They give us hope, a bigger perspective and broaden our lives.
Make it a habit to read at least 20 minutes or read 10 pages in the morning. It will begin to change your life.
This is what I do every morning and this is how I cultivated the reading habit even though I wasn’t much of a reader earlier, and now I want to make up for all the years that I missed out on reading.
For this month I have picked up three books for my morning read- ‘Deep Work’ by Cal Newport. After that, I want to re-read ‘Think and Grow Rich’ and ‘The Secret’ by Rhonda Bryne. I really loved, ‘The Power of Now’ by Eckhart Tolle which was one of my last month’s morning reads.
P.S This is how I make time to read everyday
5. Write in a Journal
So many things have helped me change my life and one of them is journaling. I have been journaling consistently since 2016 and the benefits I have received are huge. I have written about my experience with journaling here.
It helps me come back to my true self, it helps me cheer myself up when things go wrong, feel much more gratitude when things are well, and become my own best friend.
Journaling is a therapy and it gives you clarity. When you journal early in the morning, even just for 10 minutes, it gives you clarity about how you are feeling and organizes your thoughts.
Writing makes us a better thinker and when you write in the morning, I have found that my day goes by with much clarity, gratitude and awareness.
I highly recommend you start a daily journaling practice every morning before you begin your day. It is a way to meet yourself before you begin your day.
Trust me, it will change your life.
P.S. I have created a 21-Day Journaling Guide for Self-discovery, growth and healing.
If you haven’t taken any other challenge of mine, you can join this challenge.
You will receive journal prompts and guidance from me for the next 21 days to inspire you every day.
You can sign up for the challenge below
6. Move your body
Make it a habit to exercise in the morning. You don’t have to start doing hard exercises right away. Start by doing simple exercises. Just focus on moving your body- simple stretches and light exercises.
I exercise early in the morning because I like to feel great (the good feeling after exercise) early in the morning.
Even if I am feeling weak on some days and don’t feel like exercising, I exercise anyway because I know that after exercising, I will always feel recharged and strong, and I always do.
The weakness almost always goes away and I feel strong.
Earlier I used to exercise to lose weight, but now I just exercise to move my body and feel good.
Even though your goal may be to lose weight, forget about wanting to lose weight or anything, just focus on moving your body as an act of love. You will feel love.
P.S. Here is a guide on how to form new habits that stick.
And if you think you lack self-discipline, here are my 3 tricks behind building Self Discipline
7. Make Time for Silence
Don’t ever let in noise to get you right from the start of your day. Always, always keep a little bit of time for silence in the morning.
Silence I feel is so important because in silence we meet our true selves. When we deliberately make space for silence, we are making space to meet our true selves.
Your true self is your being, who you really are and we can’t meet our being in the everyday noise and hustle and bustle.
You need to deliberately slow down and make time to return to your true self which can only be met when your heart is settled in silence.
You may or may not call this meditation. Even 5 minutes of silence feels nourishing. Just sit down and let yourself settle. Focus on your heart and simply notice your thoughts without judging.
8. Be grateful and visualise your dreams
While you give time for silence in the morning, as you sit in that silence and settle yourself, be grateful for everything and feel gratitude.
Slowly introduce your intentions out into the Universe and visualise your dreams, the kind of life you want to lead, the person you want to be and the actions you want to take all coming true but don’t be attached to them.
When you do this in the morning, you set yourself up for success and manifestation of your desires.
9. List your MITs and do them
Next write down your priorities for the day, and your Most Important Tasks (MITs) for the day.
They shouldn’t be more than 3 big tasks in any day. Don’t make your to-do list too big. Just add three and then do your first MIT in the morning itself. Read more
Make it a habit to do your MIT early in the morning and you will never have an unproductive day.
10. Drink water throughout
Lastly, when you do all these morning habits and add them to your day, don’t forget to keep a big bottle in front of you. Drink water and hydrate yourself throughout. Avoid Coffee as your morning drink. Drink water instead and recharge yourself naturally.
So these are the 10-morning habits for success.
When you add them to your morning, you will start to feel a shift in your days and it will really change your life.
It has changed mine.
You don’t have to do all 10 of them every morning. Pick the habits that fit for you and start slowly.
I now realise how precious morning time is and I don’t ever want to waste it. Once you add these morning habits too and experience the changes, I guarantee you will start loving your mornings too.
Take care of your mornings and you take care of life.
- P.S Here is my Morning Routine before 8 am
- 20 ways I simplified my life
- Don’t Seek Happiness if you want to be happy
- How to let go of anxiety and heal yourself
- How to slow things down: 8 simple habits
All the best
Be happy!
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I Luv
Great tips you have got here in your article.
The biggest toxic habit for me is checking my mobile device when I wake up.
I find you’re website through Pinterest at first I just read one article just a random one, then after another, I’m constantly visiting your site. The contents you shared help a lot in every aspect of my life hoping I can continue doing this as you said “The things that we do every day forms our daily routine”.
By the way, I’m doing “30 Day Challenge Ideas for Self Improvement”
Oh wow! I am so glad to hear this. Thank you for writing to me. And all the best for your 30-day challenge. You could also try my 21-day gratitude challenge if you’d like to received daily guidance from me on your email. Here is the link – . Wish you a wonderful day! Much love 🙂