2024 has already set in. A new year with 12 months all untouched. Make this year the year where you finally prioritise yourself and your wellness.
In this post, I share 24 wellness tips to make 2024 your year of wellness. You can change your life. You can heal your life in a year.
Be enthusiastic and committed to your wellness this year. Vow to yourself that you will be serious about your health and your overall wellness and do things for yourself.
Last year may or may not have been what you wished it to be. But 2023 is all yours.
Don’t let outer circumstances and other people in your life decide for you how you are going to be this year.
Own your wellness in 2024. You’ll begin to see the difference in your life in less than a month if you follow at least some of these tips.
So without delay here are 24 ways to make 2024 your wellness year
Here are to make 2023 your wellness year
Table of Contents
1. Create a simple morning routine
Quit waking up checking social media and making yourself feel uninspired.
Vow to not use your phone first thing in the morning. Instead, make it an absolute point to give at least one hour to yourself in the morning.
If not one hour, then at least half an hour. If not half-hour, then at least 15 minutes where you do at least of your morning rituals at peace with yourself.
Here are sacred morning routine ingredients you can add to your morning.
2. Get 8 hours of sleep
Sleep is so important and also magical. We sleep and magically our energy is restored. I feel with 8 hours of good sleep our battery gets fully charged with 100%.
When I get less sleep sometimes, I feel like I am charged only 60%. Lol. This year give sleep your priority.
And if you have sleep issues because of anxiety, I know how hard it is because I battled this nightmare myself. And here I have written a post about what helped me- How to sleep better with anxiety.
3. Walk more, stretch and exercise
Start tracking your steps this year and strive to walk at least 5000 steps each day. Go out for morning walks or evening walks or even night walks this year.
If someplace is at a walkable distance, take the walk.
I personally truly enjoy long walks and it is a wonderful way I come back to myself and my mindfulness practice. Here is how you can truly enjoy long walks.
Also, stretch and exercise. You don’t always have to do hard high-intensity workouts to be healthy and fit. It is more about feeling healthy and fit.
Start with simple stretches and exercises. Here is how I made myself love working out
I love Mady Morrison for her stretching exercises and yoga.
For exercise, I follow Pamela Reif and Chloe Ting and exercise for 30 minutes every day.
4. Practice rituals of mindfulness
Mindfulness is truly essential for wellness.
What are some things that you do every day? It might be drinking your first cup of warm water, washing the dishes, going for walk, applying moisturizer and lotion, cooking or anything.
Pick one thing you do daily and make it a ritual of mindfully doing it.
If you pick cooking, then cook mindfully. Cook with ease and be present. Don’t rush and try to finish off your cooking as fast as possible taking it as a burden.
Instead, take your time and cut veggies, wash, and prepare your food mindfully.
Mindfulness makes even ordinary moments deeply joyful and a way of coming back to the self.
Here is how to practice mindfulness as a beginner.
5. Eat more fruits, veggies and home-cooked meals
Wellness has much to do with what we consume for our bodies.
I too need to work in this department. This year challenge yourself to eat fruits and veggies every day and say no to packaged food and takeaways.
6. Be a conscious content consumer
In this digital age, we are always consuming content in one way or another. This year if you want to take care of your wellness and mental health, be conscious of the content you’re consuming.
Unfollow people who don’t feel aligned with who you want to become.
Stop sharing memes that talk about lack and make it seem that you’re happy about your sad life.
Instead, watch YouTube channels that help you grow and learn something.
Follow people who inspire you to create a life you want
Listen to good podcasts that inspire you to the kind of life you want to live.
Here are some podcast recommendations for the year
- The way out is in
- The Marie Forleo Podcast
- The Mindful Kind
- Ten Percent happier
- Deep Dive with Ali Abdaal
7. Don’t work hard till the point of burnout
I was an advocate of working hard earlier in my life, but not anymore.
I had the idea that to achieve success or our desires, we always have to work hard. And I burned myself out and made myself run out of inspiration.
Now I take things slow and don’t work to the point of exhaustion. Instead, I prioritise rest and try to maintain a healthy balance where I have work as well as a lot of play in my life.
This has worked out wonderfully for me, and I believe it actually works for all.
8. Set a time for social media
We all have a love-hate relationship with social media and I find myself guilty of using it more than I am supposed to many times.
But this year I want to be a bit strict with myself and maintain a specific time for social media instead of randomly checking it at any time of the day.
Also, another tip is to log out of your account and turn off notifications.
9. Live with more gratitude
Gratitude is another essential to wellness. Live with gratitude. Exaggerate gratitude and the things that are going well, things that you have, and the people who are there for you instead of exaggerating complaints.
Be aware of your bonding with people and analyze how you bond with them.
Bond with people who share your gratitude. Bond with people who lift you up instead of bonding over complaints and gossip.
Here is the gratitude Challenge for 21 days I created for you. It will change your outlook and challenge you to make gratefulness your way of life
10. Dance a lot
Dancing costs nothing and is so good for our mental health and overall well-being.
Nothing boosts me as much as dancing.
We all love dancing, but most of us wait for occasions to dance like New Year, marriage celebration, Christmas and other occasions.
You can dance anytime.
I have a Bluetooth speaker which I turn on every morning and after brushing my teeth or on any time of the day, I just dance.
Sometimes I do slow dance, sometimes I do high energy dance and just go whatever moves that come to me with the music.
There is no right way of dancing. Get over the awkwardness and just simply dance being free.
This way I have my moment all by myself and enjoy it so much.
It makes me feel so good and leaves me with high dopamine.
And dopamine is good for our well-being.
11. Visit friends and family often
Make time in your busy schedule to visit friends and family.
Have get-togethers and meet your friends. You may have goals, you may have a lot to do, or you may just feel bored or tired to meet your friends, but make some effort and meet them often.
When you’re with them give them all your presence and listen to them and just be happy.
12. Make your home feel nice
This is so important for me. How my home makes me feel has a great impact on my life state. That’s why I always make sure my home is neat and tidy.
Staying in a home that is spacious, neat and tidy with plants around makes me feel good and more uplifted to work on things I want to.
I have written a post on this- ‘Why I enjoy cleaning my home and not dread it’
This year, give a little bit of attention to how your home makes you feel. Create one sacred space which you would want to return to where you can meditate, journal and read.
Then slowly create more happy spaces around your home. Decorating your home, even if it’s a rented one is an investment because it truly changes how we feel.
13. Stay close to fresh air, sunshine and plants
In the morning open your curtains and windows and let in fresh air and the sun’s warmth.
Stay close to sunshine and keep plants around you.
If you don’t have any plants in your home right now, start with plants that are easy to keep.
Keep one and take care of that one plant. You will slowly build a relationship with it as you water with every day.
Here are house plants to keep for beginners
14. Don’t let yourself run out of inspiration
Inspiration is not something we naturally have. Inspiration is transmitted.
It’s a fuel that we need to keep re-filling. And we can fill it with others’ inspiration.
If you are feeling uninspired about your life, it is not because you are a lazy person or because you have no motivation to do anything in life.
It is simply because you have let yourself run out of inspiration.
But you can find inspiration anywhere. You just have to give yourself time to get it.
You can get inspiration by going on a walk, writing your journal, listening to good podcasts, reading a blog (hopefully mine is one of them), watching a good movie, reading books, having time in silence, decluttering and so many other ways.
15. Go on trips
Taking a vacation and going for trips at least once a year is essential to overall wellness.
Plan your vacation and make that trip happen this year.
You are working to enjoy life. Don’t let work take all of your time this year. Get the Airbnb app and be excited about the places you’re going to visit this year.
16. Make time for hobbies
Hobbies are essential to well-being. These days we have forgotten the joys of having a hobby as any spare moment we have we tend to fill up with our phones scrolling over Facebook or Instagram.
We may think it is our way of relaxing and giving time to ourselves after a long day, and it may be so. But also give time out for your hobbies.
It is essential to have something we can do offline and enjoy our time with ourselves. Again, we need not be perfect with our hobbies, we just need to have fun and make it a moment we can be with it mindfully.
If you don’t know what hobbies you can have, here are 60+ hobby Ideas for adults.
17. Don’t be lazy to take care of yourself
This year take care of yourself mindfully.
Don’t be lazy to apply moisturiser, body lotion, facemasks and anything that makes you feel like you’re taking care of yourself.
And when you do so, instead of randomly applying facemasks or moisturisers, do them slowly like you have all the time in the world without hurrying.
Feel its touch on your skin and plant a half smile on your face. Play some music, maybe and immerse in self-love.
Don’t be lazy to put on nail paint or oil your hair. Whatever you do, make these physical acts of taking care of yourself a moment you can cherish even if it lasts for just 10-15 minutes.
18. Practice self-compassion
For most of us, it is easy to show compassion and kindness to others who are struggling or suffering or just give general kindness.
But we often forget that we can and must give the same compassion and kindness to ourselves too.
We deserve the same kindness to ourselves. We deserve the same forgiveness for ourselves.
And kindness and compassion are essential to wellness. If we’re unkind to ourselves and constantly demean ourselves in our self-talk and beat ourselves up then we can never be well.
To bring true wellness into your life, see yourself as a friend and be kind to yourself on your wellness journey.
19. Set boundaries
Not setting boundaries can take a toll on us. We will end up being in a trap of people-pleasing behaviour that is unable to set our own standards and unable to say no.
This year, if your heart is saying no, don’t say yes with your lips.
Listen to your intuition when it comes to setting boundaries and never feel guilty for keeping them even if people may make you feel so.
Your heart gets to choose who you truly want to open up to and who you want to set boundaries around.
20. Live with non-judgement
True well-being also lies in non-judgement.
Judgement here does not only mean not judging another person.
Here are all the things we need to practice non-judgement with
Non-judgement towards the things that happen to you throughout the day.
When you practice non-judgement you accept things as they are, and for those you can make a change, you make a change.
Non-judgement towards the thoughts and feelings you feel. If some feeling is bothering you and is making you feel bad about yourself or anyone, practice non-judgement towards it.
Simply notice the feelings and see your thoughts and feelings with non-judge eyes. Accept them all as the same and instead give them your kindness.
And lastly, non-judgement towards people who don’t think and act the same as you.
These are essential to wellness too.
21. manage your money well
Money is an integral part of our life. Life cannot happen without money and so, if you want to focus on life and be wealthy, you cannot neglect this aspect of your life.
Manage money well and choose to spend wisely.
Choose to have financial wellness in your life and get some financial education by reading good books and listening to good podcasts on money and financial habits.
Set a budget and stick to one.
Here are some tips on how to gain financial wellness in your life this year.
Here are the best finance podcasts to listen to.
22. Ditch self-sabotaging habits
Bring self-awareness to your daily habits and make a list of all the habits that are not helping you grow.
Ditch all those self-sabotaging habits and choose to be your own artist of life.
23. Don’t take life seriously
Stop taking life too seriously. Stop taking your job too seriously. Stop taking your relationships too seriously.
Instead, just be yourself and be happy.
If someone troubles you or if something is causing you anxiety, it is because you are taking it too seriously.
Take everything as a joke. If things don’t work out your way, take it as an interesting story to tell and don’t let it get the better of you.
One thing I like to do is to see things, my life happenings and myself as if from an eagle’s view.
This lets me zoom out instead of zooming in on every small thing, and makes me feel that I am just a tiny human being trying to live in a way I would be happy and satisfied and if things don’t work out my way, it’s okay as they are just tiny tiny events in the macro scheme of things.
So these were all the 23 wellness tips for this year
Save for later 🙂
I hope you apply at least some of them and choose your wellness over everything else this year.
I wish you a wonderful year ahead
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