How to make life interesting? Most of us by the time we’re in our late 20s or 30s are already done with life. So this is a question we all might have some time in our life.
We’re alive, but we’re no longer living. We’re just dragging our bodies each day having nothing to look forward to.
I hear so many people say life is so boring and there is nothing really interesting in life.
And I cannot help but disagree with them.
If someone feels that life is boring, I’d like to say that it is their life that might be boring or uninteresting right now, but life itself is wonderful. Life itself is magnificent. Life itself is full of hidden treasures and full of interesting things.
And life doesn’t care if you’re calling life uninteresting and boring.
I see life as just sitting there, untouched, waiting to be uncovered full of interesting and wonderful things for those who can unlock it.
Life is full of interesting things
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That treasure is inside you, and everywhere outside in life.
If we go about our lives seeking that treasure, life automatically becomes interesting.
It would be a great loss to have been born as a human being, the highest life form on this magnificent Earth and yet be unable to see and experience what all life has to offer,
It would be a matter of great regret to have this human body through which we can do anything, and yet die complaining with the feeling, “Life was boring and full of misery”
I believe we are all here to die saying, “Oh what an interesting and wonderful life I have lived. I would totally love to do it all over again!”
I am just 30 and there’s a long life waiting to be uncovered still, but I’m on my way
I once came across a quote that really spoke to me. It said,
“ I don’t want to get to the end of my life and find that I just lived the length of it. I want to live the width of it as well.”
I want to live that way. I want us all to live that way. And it’s never too late or never too early to make our life interesting again.
So below I share my thoughts on how to make life interesting
How to make life interesting
1. Do things that require your courage
We are not dead bored with life, we are just dead bored with living a life without any intentional challenges.
We are dead bored with staying inside our comfort zones and dead tired of having nothing to look forward to.
Our mind always plays its tricks.
Our mind gets bored because there are no challenges, yet it doesn’t want to get out of its comfort zone.
And that’s where courage comes in.
Don’t listen to your mind.
Simply observe it when it tries to discourage you and find out something you’d like to do that would really require your courage.
You might want to start a YouTube channel, grow your own garden, or go for a long due trip, whatever it is, find something, anything that would require you to use the courage muscle in you.
And don’t back down.
Don’t worry about getting discouraged along the way. Know that it is in fact a good sign.
You wouldn’t be getting discouraged living an easy life.
If you only watch Netflix, watch TV, go to work, come from work and do nothing much that fuels your inner flame, there would be nothing to be discouraged about.
But continuing to do things that make you feel discouraged, means you are tapping into courage. And that’s one way to live an interesting life.
P.S why you should allow yourself to get discouraged
2. Say ‘Yes’ to what excites you
Our heart speaks to us in vibrations. Whatever excites you in its first instance and second and third, is what your heart wants to do.
Only later the mind comes with all its nonsense explanations of why it may not be a good idea after all.
That’s because the mind is too scared of the unknown. But our heart is always daring and always looking forward to embracing the unknown.
If you have something in your heart that excites you, and it keeps calling out to you, don’t let it go unnoticed and say ‘yes’ to it.
It’s waiting for you to say ‘yes’, and there on the other side is your interesting life.
I said ‘yes’ to starting my blog and this has been so fulfilling and has been making my life interesting.
It might not seem like it, but it took me tremendous courage to put myself out there.
This year I said ‘yes’ to starting my podcast because my heart had got so excited about the prospect of starting one.
And so without caring about not knowing anything, I dived in.
What excites us might look different for all of us, but there is inevitably something that excites your heart.
There is no way that Universe might have forgotten to put it inside your heart.
Our task then is only to uncover it and say ‘yes’ to what excites us in all its excitement.
3. Get curious to make life interesting
If you find nothing in your life as interesting, chances are that you might have stopped being curious about life.
You might think you have no hope in life. You might think you have lost the enthusiasm you had as a kid, but here is one thing I’d like to say.
You don’t have to have a lot of hope about the future, you just have to be curious.
You don’t have to be a morning person, but you can get curious about what would happen if you woke up at 6 am every day for a week and create a morning routine.
You don’t have to become a yoga instructor, but just be curious about how you might feel if you work out even for 15 minutes every day.
Get curious about how your life might turn out if you decide to change your life from this moment on.
You don’t have to care about the outcome or whether you’ll be successful at it or not. Just be curious to keep going to see where it lands you.
Keep finding even little things to be curious about to make life interesting
I was never a plant person, but I loved having plants around me.
After I started living alone, I got curious about how it would be to keep new plants. So I ordered potting soil, compost and bought some pots and started gardening, and I loved it.
My balcony looked plain, and I got curious about how it would look if I decorated it a bit. So I redid my balcony.
Now it’s full of plants and greenery and I just love sitting here doing my morning routine.
I am writing this as I sit on my balcony too.
Life is full of possibilities and life is full of fun if you only get curious.
But if you don’t care, don’t seek and just decide to be where you are, and complain about how stuck you are in life, life will always be boring, and life will always be dull.
But if you are curious, life will slowly reveal itself its interesting parts.
So be curious about many things and keep experimenting in life.
P.S. On the spirit of experimenting with life.
4. Be mindful to live an interesting life
Also, live mindfully to live an interesting life. I think mindfulness has the capacity to make even ordinary things deeply joyful and deeply interesting.
We are filled with boredom and are so done with life because we seem to be doing the same things day in and day out.
Waking up, brushing our teeth, cooking, cleaning, eating, going to work, and all such activities is something that needs to be done every day for all of us, and we get so tired of having to do them every day and just thinking about it makes us sulk.
There is nothing interesting in it, is it?
But there is a way to make even doing these little chores interesting.
You can make your daily life interesting, and that is through mindfulness, once we simply shift the way we do them, from the energy of laziness, hurriedness, and thinking it as nothing important, to the energy of mindfulness.
How to make daily life interesting
I am not a great mindfulness practitioner.
Even I am just a beginner, but the moments when I remember to be mindful and do these little chores mindfully, and slowly, and fills me with a certain ease.
Mindfulness fills me with thankfulness and it no longer becomes a mere task, but an opportunity for practice.
I’ve been practising this since last year and I have one experience I want to share.
For me, cooking was never an enjoyable thing. I had always considered cooking a boring task.
It would be such a bore to cut vegetables, wash them and cook something. I would just consider them as time-consuming and not important at all.
So I would sulk about having to cook food and try to finish it as soon as possible.
I remember I would feel so nervous in the kitchen and so exhausted after cooking and I never enjoyed cooking.
But once I decided to cook mindfully, the whole energy shifted. It was almost magical.
I now wash the dishes mindfully, cut the veggies without rushing and try to do each step of cooking my food like stirring it, putting salt and spices, mindfully, and this has all of a sudden made me enjoy cooking and it brings me to ease instead.
Now cooking has become a time-space for me to enjoy me-time outside of work. It has become an opportunity for me to practice mindfulness.
So doing the dishes, drinking tea, cooking, walking, sitting, eating and everything can be a mindfulness practice and a kind of meditation.
In fact, our whole life can be a practice when we’re practising mindfulness, and whenever we are practising something, life becomes interesting.
5. Find wonder in nature
Life becomes interesting when you’re filled with wonder.
The Earth is filled with magical things and mysterious things which we simply toss it off considering them as normal.
I think we are all living in our own AVATAR world.
I think trees and plants are so mystical and magical.
They give us oxygen, they shed leaves in fall and withstand winter as if there is no life in it, but suddenly it blooms and the flowers come out and give us fruits out of nowhere, and they never seem to forget their duty.
Water is magical and I think water is the milk of Mother Earth because aren’t we all surviving on water?
I think birds are so mystical.
Also, we have dogs and cats on this Earth that makes our life so enjoyable and I am so glad that we have them.
I think it’s really wonder-full and God/Universe/ creator has been really merciful to us to give us so many things we can enjoy like the mountains, the hills, rivers, plants, and everything.
How life becomes interesting with wonder
When I and my mum are eating watermelon, every time we end up saying, “How wonderful we get to enjoy this and see so much water inside, even after being grown in a hot climate!” and then we eat with wonder.
Whenever I see a new plant design or anything in nature, I am filled with wonder and think of our creator as the greatest architect and designer.
I always end up saying, “See how God must have done this…..” And my boyfriend looks up and laughs at me.
But yes, I do think life is full of wonder.
We must only let go of our eyes that look at everything as normal, as ordinary and start seeing life with fresh new eyes putting on the glasses of wonder.
If we do so, our life will be much more interesting wherever we are and no matter what we do every day.
6. Be grateful
Lastly, be grateful.
A life that is full of complaints can never be an interesting life. You will always see life as plain, dull, boring and hard.
If you only see the complaining side of things, you will miss out on everything else that is interesting. And moreover, you will find more things to complain about.
It’s like one complaint will go away, and the other one will come and then the other. It will never leave your side unless you consciously decide to discard it.
But if you are grateful, you will find more things to be grateful for and life will reveal its more interesting parts to you.
New opportunities and new ideas will emerge and come that will make your life interesting.
Also, I feel if we are complaining, there will be nothing about our life that will be interesting to share.
We won’t be able to give anything to others, except only draining others’ energy as well by talking about how things never work out.
But if you are grateful, you will find more interesting things to share and even down moments, and moments of struggle and challenges will be looked up as something interesting and you will still find reasons for how the Universe still had your back.
Our life is already interesting, we just need to stop complaining and start being grateful.
So this was about how to make life interesting
save for later
I hope you enjoyed this post and go about creating an interesting life you will love to live.
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