So many of us have a negative relationship to this word called ‘I don’t know’.
There was too many of us fearing starting something new because of this word called “I don’t know”
Some of us even totally dismiss the idea of doing something we wish we could do deep down, thinking that we don’t know how to do it.
I can’t tell you how many times I have heard people tell me, “Even I want to start a blog but I don’t know anything about blogging.”
They say, “I don’t have ANY idea how to start one”
And so they stop there.
But if only all the knowledge and learning came in-built in us.
All of us start with an “I don’t know”.
It’s inevitable.
So you either allow not knowing to stop you from starting or you allow it as an opportunity to be curious and learn.
The moment you decide to go to the other side of ‘I don’t know’, that’s where the magic happens.
And we all have the ability to make this magic happen.
Today I’d like to share how.
How to let the magic of “I don’t know” happen
Table of Contents
1. Trust in your ability to learn
We hate to not know and we feel ashamed to not know, but every discovery, every learning and every wonderful thing starts from a simple ‘I don’t know’ if you decide to move ahead of it.
Not knowing is not bad. Deciding to stop and deciding you can’t do it just because you don’t know is what is bad.
All of us begin as beginners and all of us have to inevitably begin with an “I don’t know”.
What matters is you trust in your ability to learn.
Even the finest swimmer was a beginner once. Even the strongest weight lifter was a beginner once who didn’t know if he could do it.
The only difference is that they went ahead and started despite it and learned how to do it along the way.
You don’t have to learn everything before hand. So get rid of this mentality that you need to learn and have all the knowledge before you begin something.
Trust in the old phrase ‘learning by doing’.
It’s the best.
2. Allow yourself to explore things with curiosity
We wouldn’t have had electricity, we wouldn’t have had trains, aeroplanes and all other great discoveries in this world had the inventors dismissed their idea just because they didn’t know how to do it.
We don’t need to be scientists or invent a great invention, but we can allow ourself to explore the things we don’t know.
Ask yourself, “What is it that you really want to do, but have dismissed it so far because of fear of not knowing”
Then allow yourself to go after it and explore it with curiosity.
See what you can learn.
See how you can learn.
See where you might land up.
See how you might feel.
P.S on the spirit of experimenting with life
3. Let go of the outcome
The biggest obstacle that stops us from going after our dreams and goals is because we fear the outcome.
We fear we’ll be too discouraged not getting the results we want even after going for it.
We fear to get heart broken.
We are too scared to even receive an outcome and so we don’t start and let go of the idea of starting and “I don’t know” kind of becomes like an excuse we give to ourselves to keep our selves safe.
But the only antidote to it is to let go of the outcome.
Do things with love. Do things just out of curiosity and give your 100 percent.
It’s hard to let go of the attachment to our result, but reminding ourselves again and again helps.
I love a verse that is there in the Bhagavad Gita,
कर्मण्येवाधिकारस्ते मा फलेषु कदाचन |
मा कर्मफलहेतुर्भूर्मा ते सङ्गोऽस्त्वकर्मणि ||
This means “You have the right to work, but for the work’s sake only. You have no right to the fruits of work. “
Working without attaching to the results of the outcome is so freeing. It lets us do our work and go after our dreams because we love it and not because we expect something from it.
If we only practice this phrase, then moving beyond “I don’t know” and going after it becomes much more meaningful and easier.
4. Allow yourself to make mistakes
In order to let the magic of “I don’t know” happen, you need to allow yourself to make mistakes.
Allow yourself to be a beginner.
Allow yourself to look like a fool.
Allow yourself to get out of your comfort zone.
Anytime you feel uncomfortable, know that it’s a good reminder for you.
Anytime you beat yourself up wanting to be too perfect, let yourself go and allow yourself to make mistakes and learn.
Say to yourself “I may not know how to do it now, but if I am consistent and if I keep going and not give, someday or the other I will”.
Say to yourself “I trust in my ability to learn”
Say to yourself “I allow myself to make mistakes and I will be kind to myself”
The things you say to yourself matters.
Journaling helps too. It helped/helps me a lot.
5. Surrender to not knowing
Lastly, surrender to not knowing.
Uncertainty is an uncomfortable place to be.
But surrender to it and allow the Universe to unfold things for you.
Be aligned in your purpose and fulfil your daily duties.
Surrendering doesn’t mean giving up.
Surrendering means letting go and trusting in whatever plans God/Universe has for you as you take the journey in uncertainty and become an explorer.
This is how we can turn the obstacle of “I don’t know” into an opportunity for discovering new things.
“I don’t know” is an invitation to learn and do all the things you want to do in this lifetime.
I hope we use it as a wonderful beginning to learn new things about life and our own selves.
Blog Posts of the Week
Quote of the Week
One from others
A mindset that can take you far in life:
What I want doesn’t exist, so I’ll create it.
-James Clear
One from me
As you grow there will be many people who will tell you who you are and who you are not. Let them think their thoughts, but don’t let them do the thinking for you.
P.S This was a part from my Mindful Monday Newsletter. If you liked what you read and want to receive my updates, join below. It would be wonderful to have you ❤️
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