Hello Dear reader,
When it comes to achieving our goals, our tasks and doing the things that we want to do in our day, we are all told to set priorities.
And yes, setting priorities is important.
If we don’t prioritize anything, we will end up being distracted by everything.
But often when we set our priorities, what usually happens is we end up prioritizing a whole lot of things, and then end up prioritizing nothing.
If everything is important, ultimately nothing becomes important.
Hence the most important thing to prioritize is, first of all, to know what you need to de-prioritize.
If you want to work on an important project, then you need to know what current activities you need to de-prioritize to make space for the new one.
Your brain might think it can work on all other projects along with it, but you will soon find yourself feeling burned out, exhausted and also guilty!
And this is not only applicable in terms of our work and our goals, but also in all other areas of our life.
If you want to prioritize your mental health and well-being, you need to know what habits and activities you need to de-prioritize first.
If you want to prioritize your relationship, you need to know what things you need to de-prioritize that are keeping you distant in your relationship.
Without de-prioritizing we simply cannot prioritize.
Table of Contents
Without eliminating we simply cannot focus.
So this email is a small reminder for you to also set your de-priorities list and not just your priorities.
But de-prioritizing and eliminating is often harder than it seems, so here are quick steps to help you with it.
How to deprioritize to prioritize
1. Create a list of all your tasks and work you have to do and want to do.
2. From this big list, highlight only the 3-5 top most important things for you.
3. For each of your priorities, list out what next action step is necessary for the week.
4. From the above list, assign 1-2 (not more than 2) priorities for each day of the week. Out of these two, one should be a big task and one smaller important task.
5. Let go of the rest and make a ‘not-to-do’ list as well.
So this is how you can prioritize and also de-prioritize.
I also find myself learning what I need to prioritize and de-prioritize when I write in my journal.
Today’s thought on knowing to de-prioritize to prioritize is also what came up while I was writing in my journal this morning.
I came to know that I needed to de-prioritize some of my work (even those which seem important to me) if I am to prioritize a project that has been brewing up in my heart for some time.
The pages also told me that I needed to de-prioritize working in the evenings and keep my evenings free and relaxed to have spaciousness in my day.
Lately, my time seems to be crammed up with work and tasks and I need to deprioritize things to let spaciousness and slowness in.
So this week I am prioritizing just one thing in the morning and keeping my evening light and free.
I hope you too will set out your priorities and de-prioritize intentionally.
Starting today, I am also going to share with you a Journal Prompt that you can write down anytime in the week.
But it would be good if you set a specific day for writing it.
So here is one for this week!
Journal Prompt for the Week
What do you need to de-prioritize?
Blog Post of the Week
Quote of the Week
One from others
“Just because improvements aren’t visible doesn’t mean they aren’t happening. You’re not going to see the number change each time you step on the scale. You’re not going to finish a chapter each time you sit down to write. Early wins come easy. Lasting wins require a lifestyle.”
-James Clear
One from me
To slow down, remember yourself.
Try to remember yourself while you’re walking.
See yourself walking. Notice that you’re walking.
Remember yourself while you’re eating, while you’re bathing,
while you’re putting on your cream, while you’re doing anything.
Come back to yourself as many times as possible
and keep remembering yourself.
This will help you to naturally slow down and be present.
P.S This was a part from my Mindful Monday Newsletter. If you liked what you read and want to receive my updates, join below. It would be wonderful to have you ❤️
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